• Chapter 6

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Chapter 6


For the next three days, I didn't see Prince Levi. I refused to go up to serve him food and read him stories. In fact, I'd rather put up with Brenda's bullying than see him again.

He's getting married so why can't I just be happy for him?

Nonetheless, the trip to New York still had to happen and I inattentively packed my things as it was too late to back out. Mrs. Bennet would be upset if I decided not to go and upsetting her would be like upsetting my mother. I didn't want that.

"So you finally revealed yourself huh? Done being overly emotional, I presume."

I glared at the prince and forced my tears back so that it wouldn't fall. Why is he so good at hurting me?

"What? So now you're going to give me the silent treatment after you purposely ignored me for three days?" He pulled my arm and turned me to face him.
"Talk to me and tell me what's wrong."

You're what's wrong. Can't you see that you're hurting me?

"Don't touch me." I pulled my arm away as I looked him in the eye, gritting my teeth in annoyance. I managed to go quickly in the car before he could reply.

"Don't you dare tell me what to do, dolcezza. I can touch you whenever I want to. You belong to me and no one else." He pulled me to his chest upon sliding inside the car. "You're mine," he said fiercely and I finally let the tears fall. Why is he acting like this?

"Y-you're hurting. . .me," I said meekly with my dry throat. I couldn't understand why I still had tears to let out when I had cried so much for the past three days.

He let go of my wrist and looked at me wide-eyed as if realizing what possessive idiocy he had just done. "I'm sorry."

I simply nodded and scooted away until I was as far away from him as possible. I cried as I looked out of the window and he finally left me alone. I could feel my wrist bruising, the sting and cramping more painful than earlier. I didn't want his marks on me. I didn't want him to touch me. Because when he did, I'd be weak again and I don't want to be weak anymore. Never again will I succumb to this dark prince.


I've been to a party but not as grand as this. The ceiling was as high as a tower, intricate and meticulous decorations adorned the walls, chandeliers, and candles magnificently lit the vast hall. More beautiful than the place were the people—high aristocratic faces, sharp jawlines and cheekbones, bodies of supermodels.

So far, I blended in. The blue dress that was laid out on my bed when I came out of the shower did wonders. I didn't want to be seen by any of my relatives so I hid behind the menu. At the far side, I could see Prince Levi chatting with his male friends along with the handsome and debonair celebrant.

An hour passed and I was getting tipsy from all the drinks the waiter kept giving me. Amongst the many gorgeous guests who kept coming in and filling in the room, there was a healthy looking princess. She had brown ringlets and a small delicate, beautiful face but her skin was very pale. Upon seeing Prince Levi, she screamed his name, then ran through the crowd and ultimately jumping in his arms.

"Jessica." I heard him gasp in surprise.

My jaw dropped open and I couldn't help but feel jealous at how Prince Levi was holding her like a valuable porcelain.

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