A Journey Back Home

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"And then Mark let me stay at his place." I said into the phone to Leeiah. "And Jack doesn't mind?" She asks. "Nope." I answer. A moment of silence. "Are you having a moment right now?" I ask her. "Mayyyybe." Leeiah says. I laugh. "But anyway, your coming back tomorrow right?" Leeiah asks. "Yes Lee, I'm coming back tomorrow," I reassured her," Now we need to go to bed because its like 1 in the morning!" "Okay, okay. Text me as soon as your up." Leeiah demands. "Yes mom." I laugh. "Buh- bye!" She says. "Buh- bye!" And I end the call. "Y/n!!!!" I hear a Mark shout. "What?!" I shout back. "Come here for pete's sake!" He shouts with complaints. "Alrighty." I said. And get up from the kitchen table and walk into a room with a tall door and a Markimoo inside it. "What?" I ask Mark. He turns around a says, "Bed's done." Blandly. I give him a tight hug. "Thanks." I whisper in his ear. He hugs me back. "No problem, y/n!" He says. I play around with his pink hair (I know it's blue, just pretend it's still pink) then go to bed. "Tell Jack I said goodnight." I say right before Markiplier leaves the room. "I will." He says with a deep voice. Why was it so deep all of a suddenly? I close my eyes and fall into a blissful sleep.
Next day
I sit up to see a mirror that reveals my messy bed hair. "Ugh." I moan. I comb my hair for the next thirty minutes until it's good enough to be handled. "There we go." I say to myself. I silently open the door and tip toed around the house to see a sleeping Mark and Jack. Out of the two, Mark has very messy bed hair. "Not worse than mine." I thought. I write on a piece of paper a letter to thank Mark and Jack...

Dear Mark and Jack,
Thanks for letting me sleep at your place! I hope to call you guys on skype and the phone. Anyway, I left this letter just to let you know I left, but that's pretty obvious. I said enough for now so I hope to hear from you guys!
Lots of love,
I tape the letter on the door and head out with all of my belongings. Since it's not dark I know where I'm going. It's takes about fifteen minutes for me to reach my destination. I head to the 4th floor. And the 7th room. (Those are my favourite numbers that's why I pick them) I slip in my card key and the door clicks open. "Home shit home." I remember Jack saying right before entering Mark's apartment. "Shit I forgot to text Leeiah." I think to myself. I dig my phone out of all of the crap that is my things. And text Leeiah
Got up and home, wyd?
I send down my phone and pack my things just so I won't have to do it later. Ding Ding My phone goes crazy as Leeiah texts me back
Nothing, how was Mark's place?
She sends
Me: Good
L: When is your flight again
Me: in two hours
L: Okay, gotta got bye!
Me: Bye, see you then!

(During the flight)

I sat next to the window, feeling a little sleepy. Then my phone vibrates.
Hey this is Jack
Yay! Jack texted me! Now I won't be bored.
J- Where you at?
Me- In a plane
J- You close to the landing yet?
Me- Almost, why?
J- Asking
Me- Okay
J- Gotta go! Doing a collab with Mark.
Me- Okay, tell him to text me soon.
After the flight
I walk into my front door and jump on my bed. "Home sweet home!!" I scream. I unpack everything and change into something comfortable. I upload a back up video I had and take a nap. I wake up and freshen up. I log onto my computer and Skype explodes. It's good ol' Markimoo.

Sorry for a boring chapter.
Also, a lot of people like this fan fiction so I'm happy about that so thanks. But I have one question for you guys. Who do you want to confess first Mark or Jack. Comment to let me know pls! I'll take all of your replies on Sunday afternoon in American time! And I'll publish it on Tuesday. Maybe, no promises. Anyway I'll see you in the next chapter! BUH BYE! Lol....also Happy New Year!

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