Unanswered as Usual

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"I think I got a good present for you." Mark said. I giggled. "Mark, you don't need to get ANYTHING for me." Mark shook his head. "You're my girlfriend, I want to reward you for that." He smiles. I rolled my eyes and bumped into Jack. "And me and Mark created some awesome for you, which is a surprise!" Jack said.

"You did?"

"We did?"

"We did!"

"Mark....?" I stared at Mark intensively. He shrugged. "Jack, let's go home. Ryan'll drive you home." Jack nodded. "I hope...me and Mark see each other tomorrow..." Jack said, winking.

"Please don't wink." I said. "Yeah....umm....right." Jack said, awkwardly. "C'mon Jack...let's go!!" Ryan shouted, in his car. Jack waved and hurried back to Ryan's car. "So...finally..." Mark chuckled, "Now, it's just you and me..." I giggled. "Let's go home, Markypants." He groaned and we headed to his car.

While we were driving, I asked Mark something that had been bugging me for 2 years.

Flashback...  (Shoutout to the person who guesses what chapter this excerpt in from XDXD)

Jack grabs Mark's arm right before Mark sits next to me. What's the deal? "Excuse me y/n I need to talk to Mark for a quick fucking second." Jack says to me. "Alright, don't be crazy in there." I say, kind of worried. Jack tugs Mark into his recording room. "I hope they're okay." After a while, they come back. Jack plops down next to me and Mark sits on a chair, away from me. "Is everything okay?" I ask, suspicious. "Everything's fine, right Mark?" Jack gives a stare at Mark. "Yeah, everything's fine." Mark says.

End Of Flashback...

"Mark?" He hummed a yes. "You know when we first met at-" I was interrupted by my phone ringing. "Answer it, n/n" I look at Mark shocked, he had never called me that. I answer the phone call. It's Jack.

"Jackaboy, what?" I say, annoyed. "Sorry, would you like some guests over, not much people though." I sigh. "Sure Jack, make sure they're people I know." Jack giggles in the phone call. "I will, bye!" And he ends the call.

"Okay, we're here." Mark mumbles. I put my phone in my back pocket. I open the door to Mark's apartment. "Okay, Y/n, what did you want to ask me?" Mark asked, carrying me bridal style. "Mark!" I laughed. He nuzzles his nose against my cheek. (Is that romantic? I don't know!)

"I love you, Y/n."

"Mark... I..."

Mark, she hates you, deal with it.

Mark: You don't know that!

I'm the author...

Mark: Yeah...but...

Wade: Hey guys!


Wade: *mutters* All I said was Hi...

Okay anyway, thank you my lovely reader chans for reading this chapter. Don't worry, there will be a story with y'all in it!

Mark: Yay! I can't wait to meet the readers!

If you touch them, I will ruin your life...

Mark: *gulp*

*laugh maniacally* Okay BUH BYE!!

Mark: That's my thing!

*gets out gun*

Mark: *squeals*

Buh bye!

Also, thank you guys so much 17k reads! I love you guys so so much!!

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