Thank you, really

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This isn't a chapter but I think I haven't been able to say thanks to all of y'all. Because of all of YOU this story has reached 1.32k reads (and growing). And that is insane. Thank you guys a lot. People tell me I'm good in writing but you guys are really nice and better than them! I love all of your comments, and I hope I can reply to them as soon as possible. The thing is, sometimes my phone delays the notifications. So sometimes I get notified about a comment after it's been commented, or after an hour or so. I recently dropped my phone and the screen is cracked and the system is all jacked up. But I try my best to update. The next chapter is coming tomorrow, I promise. It's a bit strange at first, but bear with me, it'll be awesome. I know, you guys like drama, so there will be LOTS of drama. I'll leave this "author's note" at a thank you, because you all are amazing. I already knew that from the start because you are all Jack and Mark's fans, and they have amazing communities. Anyway, before I get cheesy, like they do, thank you guys for liking my writing, it means a lot. Thanks! Love you guys!

- Nervy, TheNerdanionMirror

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