A Markiplier Love

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I wake up in a dark room. A light source from far away. "Hello?" My voice echos. I slowly walk towards the light source but then I feel pain in my side. Ignore it. I slowly walk towards the light. Pain stabbing me in the side. "Aaghhh..." I cry. I slowly walk towards the light when suddenly I hear a loud shriek. "Y/n! Wake up! Y/n please wake up! I....." And it fades away. And then it comes back. Echoing loudly. "So just please come back, please!" Sounds familiar. Mark? I can't speak anymore. I grunt toward the light. "Uuunnnngggghhhh." I groan while I walk. Suddenly a magnetic force pulls me back. I try my best to walk forward. But my side's pain kicks in and I fall face flat on the floor. No pain. I feel no pain. Blackness. I can't open my eyes. But I can move my arms. I try my best to grab something. I grab something warm. It feels like a hand. "No! No!" The voice comes back. I flush my eyes open and get blinded by the white lights. After the blindness fades, something hugs me. A Markiplier hugs me. I move my other hand to hug him back. Another voice kicks in, "Well, she survived, get all of the medicine. She won't feel pain anymore." Sounds like a doctor. "Mark, I'm fine." My voice cracks. "Okay." He gets off and I can see his face. "What...happened?" I ask. "You ran at the long haired dude and he shot you in the belly." Mark said. I look down and see bandages all over my upper body. "Oh, great." I sarcastically chuckle. Mark's still grabbing my hand. The doctor comes in. "Y/n, you have survive some serious danger. You'll be feeling better in no time!" Doctor says. "Pardon me, what's your name?" I ask. "Irrano Jullhi." He says. "Thanks Dr. Jullhi." I mumble. He smiles and nods an walks away. "W-where Leeiah and J-Jack?" I stutter, realizing that they're not here. "Jack went back Ireland and Leeiah's at a mental hospital." Mark said. "Why at a mental hospital." I ask. "Because she wasn't hurt or anything she just wasn't gonna stop crying. She'll be fine in a couple hours though." He said. "How long have I been here?" I mumble. "2 days, including today." I sit up. "And that bastard Jarrod?" I grind my teeth, eyes filled with hatred and anger. "Oh, don't worry about him. I called the police after you tackle slash knocked him out. He got treason of death as his penalty. He's gone. He'll be dead after he gives up the information of who he works for, and the company and all that shit." Mark says. I smile. Thank goodness. It feels like I haven't smiled like this in ages. "You have a really pretty smile...." Mark tells me. I squeeze my hand that his hand is in. Doctor Jullhi comes back again. "Y/n, you will leave this hospital in 2 hours, because you are healed, just a mark that will go away in two days or more. Enjoy your stay." I nod and he walks out. "You're staying at my place." Mark says. "Okay, but it's gonna be hard walking up all those stairs." I said. He smiles, with that square-ish face and big forehead. (Hehe) "Don't worry about that." He says. I put my hand on his cheek, he winces. "You are adorable when you smile." I laugh. "Th-thanks." He stutters. His big brown eyes look up at me. He looks adorable. His blue hair- wait what? "Mark, did you dye your hair blue?" I ask. "Yeah, I thought it was a cool colour and it fits me." He said. "You should dye your hair red one day, to match your logo." I said. "*mumble* okay..." He whispers. (You daydreaming yet, because this is weird for me to write)
Mark helps me up and Doctor Jullhi escorts me to a elevator. Awkward elevator music plays while we escalate down. Mark's car is parked up against the side walk and Mark carefully takes me to the passenger's seat. It's night time as we ride and LA seems weirdly quiet. Only a few people are around. "There's a big citizenship meeting so that's why there isn't many people now." Mark says, driving. "Oh...." I'm not thinking about that anymore, I'm thinking about the dream before I woke up. "You okay, Y/n?" Mark asks. "Um, yeah." I snap out of my thoughts. We drive back to Mark's place. By the time we get to the stairs I look at Mark. "I am not getting up those." I said. He smiles. "You're not." He grabs me and picks me up, bridal style. "Whoa!!" I laugh. He carries me all the way to his apartment, opens the door with one hand. And carries me all the way to a room. Matt or Ryan doesn't seem to be home. To think about it, I haven't seen them ever. "Okay, okay!" I laugh while Mark drops me down a bed. "There...." He says. He puts his arms on my shoulder and puts rests his forehead on mine. After a couple of moments, I break the silence, "Mark, before I got that call from Leeiah. You and Jack wanted to tell me something. What was that?" I ask. Mark looks up and puts his hands on my cheek. "I love you, Y/n." He said. Before I could say anything, he lips touched mine.

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