Chatting With YouTubers

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I accepted the call and Mark's face popped up on the screen. "Hey Mark!" I said, smiling. "Hey! Looks like you got back home successfully!" He said. "Yeah, don't worry about that mess over there..." I said as I turn my head back to the hurricane that is my room. "Yeah, and you said my apartment was a mess..." Mark laughed. "Shut up!" I said laughing along with him. "So how's it going, Markipoo?" I said, laughing a little. "First of all its MarKIMOO! And second of all, good." (Points on whoever got that reference from a video Mark did!) "So MARKIMOO, how's Jack?" I ask, quickly thinking that might be rude. "I'M OKAY!" I hear a Irish accent in the background, yelling. After a couple seconds, Jack runs to a seat next to Mark. "Hi!" Jack says with that lovely smile of his. I smile. "You have very pretty smile." Mark says. I blush and say thank you. "Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you this but your hair is really shiny!" Jack says, giving an eye at Mark. "You guys okay?" I ask once again. "We're fine!" Mark quickly says. I hear a knock on my door. "It's Lex!" I hear Alexia say. "Come in!" I reply. "Oh, is that your friend that I saw with you?" Mark ask. "Hi! Y/n, Nickinson is mad." Alexia says in a worried voice. Damn. Scott Nickinson. He is the boss of our opposing company. "Shit, Jack, Mark, I gotta go-" I get interrupted by my phone. "See you!" Mark and Jack say before ending the skype call. I gulp and look at my phone. It's Scott. "Uh..." I utter. "P-pick it up...." Alexia stutters. "Okay....."

A Choice (Jacksepticeye VS Markiplier X Reader Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now