Sacrifice For Lee

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"Yeah, I dunno why I said that." Jack mumbles. Leeiah still looks amazed. Jack stops. "I'm sorry, I didn't introduce myself." He says to Lee. "You don't need to. She knows you already." I grin. "Does she?" Jack smiles. Adorably. Oh gosh, don't think like that! He has a girlfriend. "So, Jack, how's the dealio with you getting laid?" I ask. Instantly laughing afterwards. "Very funny." Jack mumbles. "She broke up with me so I'm not getting laid." I looked at him, shocked. "Sorry guys, but I'm actually really tired so I'm gonna head over back to the hotel and relax. Y/n, cya." Leeiah walks back. Just me and Jack. I walk back to a familiar building and walk to a familiar apartment. MARK! "Hey Mark!" I yell. "Hey." Mark mumbles. Sounds angry. "What's wrong, Markimoo?" I look at him while asking. He looks back at me and smiles, "N-nothing! D-don't worry about me." He stutters. "How can I not worry about you? Or both of you?! You guys always say don't worry about me, but I still do." I giggle. Mark and Jack both look at me. "Y/n, I have to tell you something." They say in unison. "Okay....-" my phone rings," Oops, sorry, wait." I ask. "Hel-lo!" I say in a singy-songy voice. "HELP ME!!!" Someone yells. It's Leeiah. "Help me!! This Jarrod bastard is pointing a fucking gun at me!! Help!!" She yells/cries. "L-Lee? Where are you? Tell me!!" I scream into the phone. Mark and Jack give me a concerned look. "I'm somewhere in the hotel!! HELP!" She cries. "Shut up! She can't save you so don't even try." Someone speaks in the background. "J-Jarrod?" I stumble. I run out the door and Mark and Jack follow me. I run all the way back to the hotel. "Leeiah? Leeiah? Where the fuck are you?" I scream into the phone. "In the hotel room *hic* there's a special place in the bedroom *hic*." She slowly heals from her uncontrollable crying. I run into the hotel. I go to the receptionist. "Do you know where the room for Jarrod Pletcher is?" I ask. "Yes, room 7C." She smiles. "Th-thank you!" I run up the stairs. In the A lobby. In the B lobby. And now, in the C lobby. "Room 7, room 7, room 7." I whisper. Still Mark and Jack are behind me. "Jack, look for room 7." Mark whispers. After a couple of moments, Jack screams, "Found it!!" Mark puts his finger of his mouth. "Sshh!!" I break the lock since it's only a key card lock. I kick down the door like a badass. The bedroom looks nice. "Guys, look for a special room!" I command. They nod and begin their search. Luckily, Leeiah's yells are loud enough to hear and I head over to the kitchen. I take a pan and hit on the hollow part. "MARK!! JACK!!! NEED A HAND OVER HERE!!" I scream. They run to me and grab some other things to smash on the wall. The wall breaks down to reveal a crazy-eyed Jarrod. Leeiah is now in the corner of this metal room. Jarrod has a gun cocked at her head and her phone smashed next to her. "Hey!" Jarrod yells. "Another bait!" I slowly walk towards Jarrod. I try to hold in my anger. But I can't anymore. I, mortal combat style, run at Jarrod and tackle him. Gunshot. And a small pain in my abdominal area. BLACK.

Sorry for such as short and weirdly dramatic chapter. Next chapter, someone will confess, not saying who. If you guys have any suggestions for any fanfiction or any thing that you want to happen in the fanfiction, or any suggestions of a fanfiction, my email is in my bio. (No sex, sorry, for all you fanfiction extremists)

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