Emotional Irish Date

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I opened the door, anticipating for a panicking Jack holding a red rose. "H-Hey, Y/n...." His voice high as always, but nervous. "Hey, Jackaboy? Are you here to pick me up for our date?" I ask. He chuckled. "No, I'm here to tell you that Godzilla is about to destroy the city and kill everyone. YES, I'm here to pick you up!" He grabs my arm. And he put me in his arm. "Let us go, milady."

He started  his car but it coughed. I looked at him. "Are cars supposed to do that?" He shook his head. "Don't think so..." Jack started his engine again but it still coughed. "Fuck..." He mumbled under his breathe. "Everything else was prefect but no...." He sounded angry.

"Is it far from here?" I asked. He shrugged. "The drive is like 10 minutes..." I lit up. "We should walk there. Little bit of connection time there, too!" Jack bit his lip. "I guess so." So, we both, hesitantly, got out of his car and started heading our way to the restaurant. "So, how is everything?" Jack muttered. I shrugged.

Ugh, this is like those Tinder dates I went on a couple of years ago.

"Could be better. I have choose my boyfriend in 24 hours." I sighed. Jack bit his lip. "I have an idea. We'll play a game. It's called, 'One Word, One Thought.'" I looked at him. "Sure, what do I have to do?" I asked. "I say a word, and then you'll me the first thought you have. Then after, we switch." I nodded, "Sure."
"Unic- HEY!"

I laughed. Remembering something....

But right before, I hear a familiar Irish accent say,"Top o' the mornin' to ya laddy!" I slowly turn around before I see a VERY familiar Korean/German Markiplier and a Irish Jacksepticeye. No words are being spoken. "Hi" Says Jack gently. "Hi" says Mark gently. "H-hi" I slowly say. "We were, um, kinda behind you and we, um, heard you're a Markiplier and JackSepticEye fan," he said. I nodded. "Are you okay?" Mark asks. "No" I shake my head. "Did we scare ya?" Jack laughs. I nod my head again. "Ha. S-sorry!" Mark stammers out with laughter. Jack gives me a tight hug. "No it's my turn!" Mark jokes around. Mark hugs me.

"Okay I think we scared the English right out of her." Jack says. "I still speak English, ya doof!" I say, laughing. Well, I finally got to regain my calm. "My name is (y/n)! Man, it's so awesome to finally meet you guys!" I say, "I love your videos!" I complimented. "Thanks!" My phone does a small vibration indicating I got a text. I take out my phone and then Jack snatches it. "Haha!" He runs off with my phone along with Mark. I run after them. "Give me back my phone, leprechaun!" I scream and laugh.

"It's your turn now!" Jack says, making me snap out of my thoughts. I nod. "Let's do this."
"Uh...  Candles."
"Soon To Come."
"Uh... Good Friend..."
"No, that was a question."

"You and Signe are still friends?" I ask. "He nods. "Yeah, it started rough because it was awkward but it worked out in the end." Jack said. "Oh, I find that weird." I said. He looks at me strange. "Why is that weird?" I shrug. "I never thought I would be friends with my exes." Jack shrugs. "You're friends with me... and Mark..."

As we continue to walk, we soon reach the restaurant called, "Ashen, Kan, Jan." I looked at Jack. "Do you know what that means?" He nodded. "Yeah, it means, 'Come, Eat, Go.' Though, it has a very good rating and reputation. Let's go." We enter the restaurant and it is very fancy. Like too fancy for a McDonalds and Taco Bell girl like me. Jack and I walk to the desk in the front. "Hi there." Jack says to the lady sitting there. She looks up and smiles. "Hi, there. I'm Balobasha. Do you have an reservation?"

Jack nodded his head. "Yes, for Sean and Y/n." Balobasha looks through her book. After a couple of seconds, she looks up and asks, "I'm sorry, there are many Sean's. What is your last name?" He sighs. I'm guessing he thought Balobasha was gonna say that we weren't on the list.

"McLoughlin." Jack says. Balobasha looks down and then smiles. "Right this way." She takes us to a beautiful corner of the restaurant where there is a table with two chairs. "Enjoy your seats, please take a look at the menu." She gestures her hand towards the table. We both nod and take a seat.

"I'll think I'm going to go simple and get like a burger or something, this place is so damn fancy."  I say. Jack laughs. "Yeah. Little too much for us." I smiled at the word us.

I remember when Jack and I were an us.

Before...     (the fire nation attacked)

Before, everything plummeted down.

Balobasha came back and took our orders. After that, it felt like an ACTUAL date. "So... how did you expect this to be?" I asked him. Jack sighed. "I expected better from me. M-my car didn't start and... this restaurant doesn't suit us... it.... I'm sorry, Y/n. I'm sorry." Jack saying, his voice croaking.

I grabbed his hand. "No, Jack... You were perfect..."

He looked at me in the eye.... "Really...?"

"You were the one suggesting the game, you were the one planning this, you were the one doing everything. Everything that happened, was a test. And you scored perfectly..." I smiled.


"Yes, Jack?"

"I love you..."

Well, fuck dem feels.
I'm sorry, I wanted this chapter to be out a long time ago but I had to get a new phone and that took 84 years so yeah. Here you go...

If you don't believe those words

Ashen, Kan, Jan.

It really does. I'm Bengali and Indian. It's like slang. And Balobasha means Love in Bangla so fun fact!

Any ways, I love all of you. Thanks for all the support.

I shall see you in shrek's ass-



-TheNerdanionMirror (aka, Shrek's Ass)

A Choice (Jacksepticeye VS Markiplier X Reader Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now