Not Yet...

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Okay I might put like little teasers like that of other people's POV's but not for like the whole story. Love you guys!

This is your POV btw
I look into Mark's eyes, there is love and fear. Why fear? I don't know. "Mark, you look scared." I say. He shakes out of his thoughts and smiles. "No, I'm fine. I was just thinking....of someone...." He says, trailing off. I felt a bit offended because we just became a couple and he is thinking about someone else. Male or female. "Well, can we think about how we are gonna let our subscribers know?" I ask, smiling. "Ladies first." He says, grabbing a camera. I giggle. "I swear, your smiles and laughs could cure cancer." Mark says. I give him a kiss. "What about kisses?" I smile. "No, they are only for me." Mark laughs. I mess around with his blue hair some more. And I start to get up but Mark grabs me again bridal style. "Until, you're healed, I am gonna carry you." Mark laughs. He sets me down on the couch. (Too romantic?) Then he fixes up the camera and hits record and sits next to me. "Hello universe! My name is Y/n and this is Markiplier." I point at Mark. He waves at the camera. "All you shippers are gonna go insane. But, me and Mark are dating." I calmly tell the camera. "There will be a video on Mark's channel announcing this and stuff so check that out. His channel link is in the description below." I point down. Mark kisses me on the cheek. "Did you have to do that?" I ask Mark, smiling. "Yeah, maybe, not really." He says. I quickly do my outro and then Mark begins his video. "Hello everybody, my name is Markiplier, and this is my girlfriend, Y/n." Mark puts his hands on my shoulders. "I think I have to say this because people aren't gonna know anything if I just do a Twitter post about it or do a Instagram post." He explains, "I have two things that matter the most right now. You and...." He turns his head to me. "you." He smiles and finishes the video. "Check out her channel, links in the description. And I'll see you in the next video. BUH BYE!!!" He waves and I wave with him. Mark ends the video and takes out the SD and puts in his desk. He picks me up again and takes me to the bed again. "I'll edit the videos. You need rest." He says, in his soothing voice. (Tell me if this get WAY to romantic because it's getting weird for me to write) I give him a kiss and his gives me one too. "I love you." He says. I smiles, "I love you too." He walks back into his room, and closes the door. My head fills with thoughts.

What if people don't agree with the relationship?

What if I get fan-girl haters?

Will I get killed if I date him, by a fan-girl?

Will I just get hate, like I'm a sex toy?

Will his ex-girlfriends say how bad of a boyfriend he is?

We've haven't been dating so long, why do we tell the world so quick?

What if we don't work out and we'll break up in a week?

As my head thinks, my heart races. This can happened. Fan-girls can hate me. Viewers can hate me. I can get killed by a fan-girl. Mark and I can just break up in a week, we haven't dated for so long. My head spins as my eyes are close and I'm thinks all these thoughts.

"What wrong?" A deep voice says.

I jerk out of fright, but I realize, it's just Mark.

While I was thinking, Mark managed to get the videos edited, get in bed. And we're cuddling in bed. (I hate that word so much!! Agh! 😫)
"N-nothing." I stutter, wrapping my arms around his waist. "Your heart is going fast. Are you sure?" Mark asks. "Mark, can you not upload the videos yet?" I ask. "Sure, but why?" He looks at me. "Because, we have been dating for a half of a day. It'll be weird to announce to the world that we're dating and we're boyfriend and girlfriend, if we haven't known each other good enough." I explain. Mark's face looks hurt but he slaps on a smile, "Okay, I won't. I'll do it when you say so." I look at him with a worried expression, and give him a kiss. "Better?" I ask. He nods with a big goofy grin. "I love you." I said, "I love you too."

A Choice (Jacksepticeye VS Markiplier X Reader Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now