Gift Opening

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"Y/n? Y/N!!!" I heard Jack scream. My eyes flapped open and I looked around. Pewds and BB were talking. Mark and Jack were looking at me, very concerned. Lilly and RoseFireLove were talking. Everyone was having a fun time. Meanwhile, I was on the couch, having a massive headaི̗⃖͝che. "Mark? Jack? What....?" Jack chuckled. You passed out and then sort of started screaming in your dream. So I thought-" Mark interrupted. "WE thought to wake you up." Jack and Mark looked at each other.

"Okay...are you guys having fun?" I croaked, getting up. Jack smiled⃘̮͇̮̟͇͔͌ͭ͋͆̊᷉̚ and said, "Yeah.... I'm having a lot of fun." Mark growled silently and gave me his hand. I smiled and grabbed his hand. Jack looked at him. I coul̺̤͚̪̙̤̘̼ͩ̀dn't make out the emotion in his eyes.

"Y/n, can...WE ask you something? After your birthday party ends, of course." Jack said, twiddling his thumbs. Mark nodded and looked hopeful. I smiled. "Suř̷͙̫̜̺⃖͆⃟e. I'll be ready to talk whenever you want to." I giggled and skipped to BB conversation.

"I really love your videos. They're so funny and cool! You're so funny and so cool!" BB said, squealing. I chuckled and cleared my throat for them to see that I͚̯̬͕͓͂́̆ exist. "Hey, what's up?" I said. "Oh, hey, how are you feeling? Your screaming kinda scared us for a second." Felix said. I felt my face turned into a ripe tomato filled with embarrassmenṭ͔̘̣̣̞̭̤̌̈̏͌̌.

"Y/n, you should go check out the presents! The party is gonna be ending and we wanna see your reaction to the gifts!" Lilly said, with her big Canadian smile. I nodded and went to the middle room. "Glad I'm out of that situatio̡ͭͥ⃗ͣ̀̚̚ͅn." I said silently. I grabbed all the gifts. (There was a lot!!!) and brought them back and everyone was sitting down, waiting for me.

" guys are so sweet!" I said. Everyone laughed and I sat down. I opened one after another. One from Lilly. One from Pewdiepie. One from EV̶͍̮̭̘̰͙͎⃗͗̔̀ERYBODY!!

Then there was 2 left.

"This one says.... from Jack." I looked at Jack and smiled. "Thank you so much Jack!" I said. And ripped open the present and read the note. "Uh...Y/n? Can you not read it out loud? It...kinda....embarrassing....." Jack said. Everyone started laughing.

Except Mark̝̙̘̼̭̣͖͔͑͆.

"Okay, Jackaboy." I said. And I started reading the note.

Y/n, I've known you at your worst times.
And, we were something.
I want to be that something again.
You might think I might hate Mark.
I don't. I love Mark. He's my best friend.
But, I love you too. So, when I see you being taken away from me. I get a feeling.
But, don't worry. I know you feel like you're ruining me and Mark's friendship. You aren't. Mark and I have talked about this too.
I love you Y/n. I always will.
I hope you do too.

I looked up at Jack and smiled. "Thanks Jack. You're the best." I put the note in my pocket and took out his gift. It was a Septicey⃘͎͓̽̌͗̾̄̀e Sam plushie. "OH, IT'S SO CUTE!" I giggled.

I looked at the next present. It was from Mark.
"Mark, thanks so much..." I smiled.

There was another no̷͈͈͂͢te. I didn't read it out loud.

Hey, Y/n.
I know I've ruined your life, broken your heart. And I'm sorry. I regret everything. I regret not calling you. And telling you, it wasn't me. It's my fault. I broke your heart. I could've just explained. You would've understood. Because your heart is sweet. Like candy.
That's why I love you.
Jack's my best friend that I've met. But, you're a special piece of candy. You're that type of candy that I taste when everything goes to shambles. I want that candy back.
I want you back.
I love you Y/n. I always will.

I looked a̘̺̜͚̞͍̰⃗̾ͅ⃣͠t Mark. "Thanks Mark." I opened up the gift further and found͔̺̦̫̝̳̞ͪ͂͞͡ a Tiny Box Tim plushie. "AWWW, LITTLE BISCUIT!!" I squealed.


          m͙̦͕̲͇̗͌̐͊̏̕e̠̓̉᷉͊̈ͫ̾ s̶̬͙̞̰̼͈̘̦ͭ̓⃗̒

Everyone had left. And it was time for me, Jack, and Mark to have a talk.

Happy Halloween!!

How'̱̥̭͚͖̓s everybody been̟͇̮̗̰̗̭̑̃?
Good? Aweso̮̰̣͂ͬͅͅͅme!

How's Halloweȅ̝̲̣̰ͦ̂͝ͅn going for all of you?

I personally don't celebrate Halloween. But, who cares a͓̼̳̘̜̤̺͑ͭ̌̀̌bout me?

Di͉̟̫͚͙̠̻̱͋͋̾͑̈d you guys seen that video Jack post̝̺͍͖̼̟̣ͨͨ͡͡ͅed?

I̞͓̘͙̳ͧ̑ͫ̃ͅt̡͙͓̟̤̜͇ͦ̇̓ͬͅ w̠̺̏ͥͅ҈̛ả̺̱̮͈s̗̟̼͎͔̼̰̙̅́̊̋̔̔ s̗̣̗̟̄ͅ҉o̱̤͍͚̰͓͋́  f̜͓͖̲͎͙̪̹̣̭᷉ͅn̗͉̈ŷ̜̱̤͍͓ͤ́͆ͤ̒᷈̀

-you dont need to know

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