Mark's First Day At Work

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"Ma'am?" Nervy said, walking in. I looked up and smiled. "Call me Y/n." She nodded. "Uh, three men want to meet you. Their names are, uh, Mark, Matt and Ryan. Would you like to meet them?" My smile turned into a immediate frown. "Yes, let them through." I sighed. Nervy nodded and walked out. Then, Mark, Matt and Ryan came in. "Uh, hello. It's great to see you guys again." I said, looking at Mark. "This is so cool, what are we going to do?" Matt asks.

"Well, since you got employed at a odd time. You will be assistants of some workers here." I said, picking up a paper that tells who is going where. "According to President Konnar.... Matt you are going to Mr Ron Fae, he is the manager of the President's meetings. He is in room 402." I say, reading the paper. "Okay." Matt says and walks out. " are Handon, our receptionist in the 3rd building." I say, looking up at Ryan for a split second.

This is what the paper looks like

Matt - Ron Fae - Room 402

Ryan - Lilly Handon - Building 3

Mark - Y/n L/n - Room 307


I can't believe it. "And are....uh... Um, you're You are helping me and" I stammer. His face looks hopeful, so I call Nervy. "NERVY!" I shout. Mark jumps. Nervy runs in. "What did I do?" She says, looking panicked. "N....nothing...s...sorry....did I scare you?" I ask. Nervy shakes her head. (Jk, I would've been VERY scared) I nod then turn to Mark. "So...uh... Mark.... This is Nervy...." I say, sliding a bit closer to Nervy. Her face has a surprised/scared/"can I leave" expression. Nervy and Mark shake hands.

"I have to, uh, go now. Bye!" Nervy says, running out the door. Mark looks as confused as I am. Was she scared of Mark? (Yes) Did she know Mark? (Yes) Was she a fan of Mark? (YES!) I shake the thoughts out of my head and turn to Mark. "Um, Mark...." I begin.

Then I realized...

I have no work to do.

It's just me and Mark...

Nervy save me... (I would buuuut, I'm terrified of Mark so naaaah)

I gulp.

"So, should I do anything or are we going to just stare at each other?" Mark asks. I nod.

"I have no work to do, so I guess..." I say, looking at a window so I won't have to look at Mark.

Little did I know Mark was leaning in.

I turned to face Mark but his face was really close...

Then Nervy came. (Trollolololololol)

"Y/n, about the records you said this morni- WHAT THE FREAK?" Nervy said, slamming the door in surprise.

"Tell me when to come in." She said, behind the door.

I slap Mark and open the door.

You probably hate me right now....
Damn you imagination for thinking these weird plots!!!
So just to clarify, I would be terrified if I met Mark, I would have a panic attack, anxiety attack. ALL THE ATTACKS!! I don't know why, but yeah. Same for Jack... Or anyone famous...

I'm going through a tough time with school and family that I kinda forget about anything else. Except for YouTube, cause dat me lyfe. Anyway, so the chapters might come out shorter... My usual chapter are about 500-700 words long. It might be like 300-500 now. BUT! When testing with school is done and summer finally arrives, I'll have time!

But wait Nervy! Don't you have that calculus project/ summer school thing?

Well, I do. DAMMIT!!!

I hate my life!!!

Thanks for your honest support, it's amazing....
And I'll see you guys.... IN A MILLION YEARS!!

-Nervy, the over-scheduled nerd...
Dats why they call me Nervy da Nerd...
I leave now...

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