I Love You More Than Jack Does...

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Really important announcement at the end!! ❤️❤️❤️

Me and Jack rush to the hospital. I ask the receptionist what number room Mark was in and she lead us there.

Mark was in wires, tons of machines.

Like I said, this is my fault...

"Mark!" I said, walking over to his bed.

His eyes snapped open.

"Y-y/n?" Mark mumbled. I nodded. "Holy shit, what the fuck happened to you?" Jack said, opening the door.

I gave him a stare and he walked out and stayed outside.

"A-are you okay?" I said, setting my phone down. Mark nodded. I sighed and sat next to him.

"So what happened?" I asked Mark. He took a breath and breathed in. "I, uh, I was thinking about, that day and I started getting stressed, and, and I, I thought that we would, um, g-get back together and I freaked out and next thing I knew I was banging my head on the wall calling myself 'a dumb bastard' And then I passed out." He said, looking at he's fingers.

I sighed. I smiled and squeezed Mark's hand.

"I want to have another date with you, another moment. Just to be with you. I want to relive our love." Mark said. I looked at him worried. "Mark, you do know that Jack is my boyfriend, right?" I asked, concerned.

He looked at me, shocked. "Y-you're dating Jack?" Mark stammered. "Yeah, I thought you knew." I said, worried. "I-I didn't. I thought Jack was being over-protective while we were fighting." He admitted. "Well, he's my boyfriend. After that day, he said I could live with him. After a few months, he said he loved me. And, I started growing feelings for him too." I explained to Mark. "H-how long after you been dating?" Mark asked, with a really worried face. "A year and a half." I answered.

A nurse came in. "Mr Fischbach, you are good to go." She was un-wiring all the wires attached to Mark. Mark smiled.

Me and Mark walked out and Jack gave a stare at us. I gave him a kiss to soften up and he did. He just walked in the middle of us. Jack was holding my hand as we walked down the stairs and out of the hospital.

We drove Mark home and I volunteered to walk him up to his apartment. Jack looked at me with a Can't you just stay with me? face and I smiled. Mark and I walked up and he unlocked the door. I said bye but he stopped me from going.

"I want to tell you something, before you go.." Mark said. I turned around and looked at him. I crossed my arms and waited for what he was going to say.

"I just you to know.....

I love you more than Jack does." He paused in the middle to make me think. I nodded, without a smile, and left.

"Okay what bullshit did he say?" Jack asked as soon as I came down. I gave him a kiss. "Y/n, please, tell me." He begged. "He told me that I was very lucky girl to have Jack." I lied. "Now, now. I ask you what bullshit he said, not truths." He chuckled. Me and Jack rode home and I watched a couple YouTube videos while Jack was making videos. He came after he was finished edited and I fell asleep on him. I woke up while he was trying to carried me to bed. But I fell asleep once I was on the bed.

---magical time skip of awesome---

I woke up without any company. Where's Jack?I got up and stretched. I got ready in my Secretary clothes (aka a cool looking suit). I walked out and I saw Jack making coffee.
"What's wrong?" I said. He chuckled and told me to sit down. "Since, you were through a lot of bullshit yesterday, I wanted to repay you because you dealt with it." Jack said, giving and a kiss and handing me food. I ate it and gave Jack another kiss while grabbing my coffee.

Wait, I have a new assistant, don't I?

I walked into my office and looked around for anyone. No-one is there. "Hello? Nervy?" I called out. No reply. Then I heard someone walk in. A brown skin coloured girl with long black hair. Her face showed a shy expression. "H-hi." She said. (Btw these are the exact phases I go through when I meet someone new) "Hello, my name is Y/n. Nice to meet you. You must be Nervy." Nervy nodded and shook my hand. "It's, um, good to meet you." She stammered. I internally laughed. (HEY!) I told her what to do and her face began to relax and have a friendly demeanor. She was also, kid-like. A lot like Mark and Jack...
After I told her what I needed to tell her, I assign her some stuff. Nervy smiled and nodded off to work.

This day started off good...

I'm in the story now!! Yay!! Sooner or later, I'll be a friend for you to talk to. And it will awesome!!! WHOOSHY WHOOSH!!!
AND, I want to give a special
"I love you " and "Thank you" to yanderechan2004 because she made a heart warming little note/x-reader about me(I DONT KNOW WHY!!!!). I don't mind if you don't read it but I just want you guys to follow her because she deserves it! I LOVE YA NAYNAY!! Also, I searched up JackSepticEye VS Markiplier, on google images because I was bored and I saw this story's cover......!! WTF?? I was freaking out. Yay!! Thank you guys so much. I will give you more of Mark's special cakes but for now, ILL SEE YOU IN THE CHAPTER!!! BUH BYE!!

-Nervy 🎂🎂🎂🍰🍰🍰

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