A Liter Of Blood

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"Y/n! I love you! Don't go!!" Mark shouted.

I ran away from the barn.

"You're crazy!!" I shouted back running into Jack.

But he seems to vanish, again.

"Jack?" I shouted.

The sky turned black, the grass frayed, the trees spoiled. "Jack!!"

My eyes snapped open. It was another nightmare.

"Uh, Y/n?" I heard Jack's early morning croak.

"Hm?" He slowly sat up.

"I got a call from your boss, and he said the company workers can't go today..."

I slowly started sitting up. "So....?"

Jack sighed.

"I thought this would be a great way for us to hang together. But I have to go somewhere....and I want you to go to Mark's"

My head span in confusion.

"He seems a bit...alone..." I nodded in silence.

Jack smiled as he left the room.

-----time skip to Markimoo's place----

"Mark?" I said as I knocked Mark's door.

"Hhhheeeeyyyy Yyyy////nnnn! Hhhhooowww'sssss iiiit gooooing ooovvveeer heeerrrreee?"

Mark sounded slurred, like he was drunk.

"Mark? Have you been drinking?" I ask, worried.

Mark can't drink.

"No...." Mark was still drunk-sounding.

"Why do you sound drunk?" I grab his arm, which was covered by his long sleeved shirt.

It felt wet...

"Ouch!" Mark shouted in pain.

"Sorry, sor- WHAT THE HELL?" I screamed at my bloody hands.

I rolled up his shirt sleeve to reveal a huge cut.

"Is this how it feels to lose a liter of blood?"

Hehehehehehe, so you're probably gonna kill me...hehehe.... Don't...please...

I haven't even posted anything in weeks and this fanfictions is sky rocketing through the roofs!

Last time I checked, this fanfiction was at 3.67 reads, and that is insane.

Thank you guys so much for being patient and I love you guys to bits!


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