The Anniversary (Markiplier Ending)

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Mark lifted me up into the air. "Fly, Y/n! Fly!" I giggled and spread out my arms like I'm flying. "WEEE!" Yeah, I'm not four years old. We just came back from a ton of filming we did that day. Mark got chosen to do a movie type thing. He had an argument with one of the producers. "I want my girlfriend to be the main heroine of the movie." I was so surprised. "No, Y/n, I want you to be in the movie. You're absolutely perfect for the role. You're perfect with everything else too." Mark said when I tried to convince him to cast someone else. 

When I walked in, there was cake and candles everywhere! Pictures of Mark and I smiling and having a good time. I was slightly confused but then I realised. "Happy Anniversary, Y/n." Mark's voice tickled my ear. I smiled. "How did you-" He shushed me and took me to the living room. "One year ago, you made a decision that changed my life. I wanted to thank you." I looked around and remembered that day. Jack's been doing great. I convinced him to go out and date and he did. I pretty sure he's on one right now. That little leprechaun. 

Mark led me into the kitchen grabbed a knife. He put my hand on top of his and started cutting into the cake. I laughed as he smeared cake frosting all over my face. "Wow, thanks Mark." I said, getting a napkin to wipe it off. "I was thinking of adding to your makeup." He laughed. I rolled my eyes and giggled. After cleaning my face off, I fed him a bite of the cake. I shoved some into his face and he ended up getting some on his nose and glasses.

Mark's phone started blowing up. He reached for it and completely shut it off. "Mark, that could've been important!" I scolded. "Sh, nothing right now could be anymore important to me than you." I blushed a bit. I gave him a kiss. It was long and passionate. Mark's brown eyes looked at me and I could've melted. But, I didn't. 'Cause, that's not possible. You can be cooked but not melted. I think it's because we have flesh and we-

"Y/n?" Mark said. I snapped out of my thoughts and quickly finished off the kiss. "Well, that was a long kiss."  He chuckled. I giggled and wrapped my arms around him. "Oh, no, no." He took my arms off of him and picked me up bridal style. He led him into the bedroom and set me down gently.

He kissed my forehead and looked at me. "I can't believe I'm laying in bed, having an anniversary with my dream girl." I laughed. "Well, 4 years ago, I was just a fan. You didn't know that I existed." Mark looked at me in a weird way. "Y/n, I knew you existed. I knew my soulmate existed. In my head, I knew how you looked like, acted like, smelled like." I laughed at the last one. He laughed back. "That day, when I heard your voice, I was shocked, I made Jack speak up because I was too stunned. You turned around and I knew it was you from the second I was your fangirling face." 

"Hey!" I retorted. I sighed and thought about that.

"Mark, I love you."

"I love you too, Y/n."


After that, then it's the end. A lot of you are telling me to write a sequel. I don't know. If I should, let me know. And let me know how... Because how do you make a sequel to a story that has 2 different endings? 

Anyways, thank you so much for your kindness and support and everything else. I can't put it into words. I love you guys so much.

- TheNerdanionMirror

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