Someone Will Hurt You

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I ran around the house looking for Mark. I couldn't find him anywhere.

Where was he?

I went outside and found him on the balcony. So I ran back inside and up the house. I bumped into my friend, PinkAlmondRoses as she is known on the interwebs.

"Oh, sorry! Hey, what's up?" I said to her.

She laughed and smiled, "Nothing, just looking around- OH MY GAWWWWD!!!" I raised an eyebrow, "What?"

"I-Its Jack!!" She squealed and pointed and Jack, who was talking to Amorise.

I laughed, "GO TO TALK TO HIM!!" I pushed her into Jack and laughed.

"Oh, hey there!" Jack said to PinkAlmondRoses. She squealed.

I rolled my eyes and went up to him, "She's a big fan of you, Jack." Jack nodded him. "Nice to meet you!"

PinkAlmondRoses finally said something to Jack, but I left by then. I was trying to find Mark. "Mark? Where are you?" I kept looking around.

Finally, on the balcony that I never knew we had, there was Mark. "Mark?" I said.

He turned his head toward me. "Hey, Y/n..." Then his eyes widen. "You shouldn't be here..."

"Why?" I asked, confused.

"Someone's here....they're here to hurt you...." Mark said.

"What does that mean?" I asked.

"Tell everyone to go, they're all in danger, leave!" Mark said, shoving me away.

"Mark? What's happening?" I kept asking.

"Y/n, you won't understand." I heard a different voice say.

It was Jack. He knew too?

"Y/n, leave...."

"I don't understand! WHATS GOING-"

A figure was coming up the stairs.

"Y/n, you need to go, NOW!!" Jack yelled, he pushed me to the other exit.



Let's make a song? Okay!

Nervy is really dumb! She updates the most SHORTEST chapters!!! YEAH YEAH!!!

Sing it with me!

Nervy is really dumb!  she updates the most SHORTEST chapters!!! YEAH YEAH!!!!!!!!


Anyways, thanks for fabulous and reading my terrible story!!


Nervy is really dumb!  she updates the most SHORTEST chapters!!! YEAH YEAH!!!!!!!!

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