Planning The End

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"I can't! I just can't!" I whined. Mark and Jack looked at each other. "Y/n, you gotta. For sanity's sake, make a choice." Mark said. Jack stroked my hair. "Is this that hard of a decision for you?" I put my thumb in my mouth like a baby and nodded my head silently. "Listen, my big baby, you have to think of something. Maybe, Mark could...." I zoned out and remembered the first day we all met.

~~~Señor Flashback~~~
"Hey Lee!" I say into the phone. "Hey, how's LA?" She asks, "Pretty damn awesome!" I reply. "Big Question!!!" She says, or screams. "What?" I ask," Did. You. Meet. Jack. And. Mark?" She says. "Sadly my dear, I did not meet JackSepticEye and Markiplier." I sigh. "GASP!" She says over dramatically. "Maybe we'll go together and meet them our selves!" Says Leeiah.

Leeiah and I are big Jacksepticeye and Markiplier fans. "Yeah hopefully." I turn around to go to my hotel after I end the call. But right before I hear a familiar Irish accent say,"Top o' the mornin' to ya laddy!" I slowly turn around before I see a VERY familiar Korean/German Markiplier and a Irish Jacksepticeye.

No words are being spoken. "Hi" They both say, gently. "H-hi" I slowly say. "We were, um, kinda behind you and we, um, heard you're a Markiplier and Jacksepticeye fan" he said. I nodded. "Are you okay?" Mark asks. "No" I shake my head. "Did we scare ya?" Jack laughs. I nod my head again. "Ha. S-sorry!" Mark stammers out with laughter.

Jack gives me a tight hug. "No it's my turn!" Mark jokes around. Mark hugs me. "Okay I think we scared the English right out of her." Jack says. "I still speak English, ya doof!" I say, laughing. Well, I finally got to regain my calm. "My name is (y/n)! Man, it's so awesome to finally meet you guys!" I say, "I love your videos!" I complimented. "Thanks!"

My phone does a small vibration indicating I got a text. I take out my phone and then Jack snatches it. "Haha!" He runs off with my phone along with Mark. I run after them. "Give me back my phone, leprechaun!" I scream and laugh.

~~Señor Flashback said Goodbye~~

"Y/n? Are you listening to me?" I heard Jack say. "What...?" Jack sighed. "I was saying-"

"I HAVE AN IDEA!" I squealed, and fell off of the couch I was sitting on.
"Y/n!" Mark worriedly said. "I am fine!" I said, brushing off myself. "The way you screamed made me think you found the meaning of life." Jack said. "I found the meaning of MY life! How about we do a final date before the decision?!" I squealed.

"Like, me, Jack, and you having a date?" Mark asked, having a confused look on his face. "No, like, I have a date with Mark, I have a date with Jack. And then, in the morning, its decision time!" I said, err, more like squealed again.

"That could work?" Jack mumbled. "Who's first?" Mark asked. "Uh, Jack and I go on a date somewhere in a hour. Then when we're done, you pick me up and I go on my second date and then you dropped me at my house."

Jack jumped up. "I have to get ready for a very special date then. See you in an hour." And he ran out the door. I looked at Mark. "Well, he's excited." Mark chuckled and stood up. "I need to work hard today to get my very special lady. I'll see you soon, Y/n." And then, Mark walked out the door.

What did I get myself into?

~~Magical Time Skip Of Magic~~

I looked in the mirror. I don't like dresses so I didn't wear a dress. I wore black jeans and a weird top thing. (Just use your imagination) "Now, all I need to do is wait for-"


"-Jack..." I said. I can't believe this is happening. I feel like a person who is about to walk right in the middle of a war and yell, "Stop it!" I'd probably get myself killed. I want that more than this day. I didn't want this day to happen.

But it's happening...
there has to be an ending

*Tear rolls down cheek.*
Herro...... next chapter will be a long chapter consisting of both dates. Please keep letting me know which ending you want first. Mark or Jack. Chapter 74 will be the final chapter.
I don't want to end this book. I made so many friends.

Okay, I can't put a sob story here. It isn't the end yet!
Thank you guy so much for getting this book where it is. It would NEVER reach this far if wasn't for you beautiful people. (Jack's old intro). I'm so sorry for the gaps between chapters.


Sorry.... ;)

  P.S. Love you.
  P.P.S I'm on the toilet while writing this.

Conscious: TMI Nervy.

A Choice (Jacksepticeye VS Markiplier X Reader Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now