The Introduction (JackSepticEye Ending)

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The music blasted through every corner of the room. I cheered along with hundreds of other fans. Jack and Robin managed to make a worldwide tour. I was in the front row. Jack darted across the stage and fans roared. Today I learned something.

That there is something louder than Jack.
His fans.

Robin came out of backstage and did a cartwheel, he almost failed which did make the entire audience giggle. I'll admit it, I did too. There was flashing music and different lights all over the place. Jack almost fell off the stage a couple times during the show.

The show started off with Jack and Robin talking about how they are grateful about people coming to see them and their show. Jack mostly did the talking. Robin was just giving just over-exaggerated nods of agreement with what Jack said. Then the lights shut off and we heard...

"You thought I was gone, didn't you...?"

I laughed and remember Jack's AntiSepticEye sketch he was going to do. I helped him with his makeup. The lights switched back on and everyone looked up at the stage. We saw "Jack" on the floor and AntiSepticEye over him. The "Jack" on the floor was a really well-made dummy body from one of Robin's friend's, Steve.

Anyways, the show continued with more goofs and gafs. I did laugh many times along with hundred of other fans. Then, around the ending of the show, something happened that I wasn't told of.

Jack pulled up everyone that helped him on making the show possible. (That I knew.) Robin, Steve, Cassie (Graphic Artist), Kevin (Light & Audio Operator), and many more. "This is Naomi, and her girlfriend, Samantha, they helped organise the dates and places. They were an incredible help." Jack continued on until, I thought he was done, he got to the last person. "And, lastly, we have, Y/n."

Wait, me? The hell? Jack looked down at me and smiled. "Y/n, what are you doing, down there?" I don't know, watching your show? Jack, what are you doing? Oh, no, you're holding my hand. Oh, you're taking me up to the stage. Oh, fuck, fuck, fuck. There were silent murmur questioning what I did. "This is Y/n, my girlfriend. Introduce yourself, Y/n." I looked at him like he was crazy.

He was.

"Uh, I, hm, uh..." I was complete frozen. In front of my were hundred upon hundred of people, staring at me. Then, I felt Jack's comforting arm wrap around me like a burrito. It felt like a Chipotle meal when it just was made. Nice and warm. "Hm, I'll give them your introduction, okay?" Not waiting for my response, he gazed back into the audience and started "my introduction."

"Y/n, an incredibly woman. She helped me so much on this journey to create content for you lovely people. She is the love of my life." I widened my eyes at what he was saying. Maybe, just maybe, it was too cheesy? "Her and I had many battles during our journey to become a couple. She was always supporting me. Always loving me, even when I didn't deserve it. I still don't, I literally have no clue why she's still dating me, but I am very grateful for that." I giggled a bit at his humorous remark.

"But, I want you to know, because you are very much, like family. That Y/n is one of the best things in my life. Like, not better than you guys, obviously..." He said, in a sarcastic snarky tone. He leaned towards my ear, away from my ear and whispered, "I'm just kidding.... Sh, don't tell them." I laughed quietly. The audience cheered. After a couple of fast seconds, they chanted my name.

"Y/n!" Y/n!" Y/n!" Y/n!"

This was the first time Jack announce this, to the public, that I was his girlfriend. I didn't feel very comfortable but he assured me that everything was okay, and I didn't believe him. I was wrong to not believe him. I remembered a year ago, when this all had went down. Mark met a girl named Amy, and boy, oh, boy, did they fall in love. I was so happy. Mark had found someone, and so did I.

The show ended with a uproarious audience. Cheering and clapping. The whole gang went backstage. Jack grabbed me and pulled me into a corner. Before he said anything, I chimed in. "What was that?" He chuckled. "Dammit, Y/n, why must I explain everything to you?" I rolled my eyes. He pulled me close. "I wanted to show you that my fans would except you no mater what. And, I wanted to show you that I would express my love for you in front of everyone!" I laughed. Dammit, Jack. He gave me a sweet kiss. I did the same.

We walked down stairs and back to our hotel. When we would continue the tour and the shows. A question popped into my mind, "Are you going to be doing that same type of introduction for me at the end of every show?" I sighed in annoyance at his response.


OMG! OMG! OMG! THE STORY ENDED! NO, I don't want it to go.

I don't want to spill out all at the bottom of this chapter, let's go to the next one, shall we?


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