Unwanted Surprise

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To thank all of my awesome readers, I made this chapter longer, ending dramatically, and me being dumb, ending with a cliffhanger. ENJOY!!

Time skip to a couple months after you and Mark have been dating.

"Marky!!! Can you come here?" I shout. Mark walks in, and looks at me. "Yeah?" He says, smiling. "I've been thinking about it, do you want to upload the video today?" I ask him. "Sure! I'll give you yours!" He says, grabbing a flash drive. He runs to his recording room and comes out with the flash drive in his hand. "Here!" He says, still smiling. "Why are you in a good mood today?" I ask, taking the flash drive. "Because, you're finally healed." Mark says, "So we can finally go places together!" He says, picking me up again. "Was this really necessary?" I ask, laughing. "Yes." Mark spins me around and then takes me to my room. "Upload yours!" I shout, just before he walks into the living room. "I will!" He shouts back. I sit down at my computer and plug in the flash drive. I take out the video and bring it back to YouTube. "Um, Y/n?" Mark says, walking in, scratching his faded blue hair. "I'm gonna go out, I'll be back in like an hour, okay?" He says, giving me a hug and a kiss. On the lips. "Okay, don't be out too long." I tell him, he walks out with a coat and shouts, "I will!!" right before leaving. The video takes time to publish but during that, I make the thumbnail. I put a cool sunset and a couple holding hands as they fade away into the world. I save that and set it as the thumbnail. I sit on my couch and watch some TV. I get bored. Jack. I haven't talk to him in awhile.
Y- You J- Jackaboy

Y- Hi Jack

J- Hey, how's it going?

Y- Nothing, Mark went out to do something, so I'm bored.

J- Did you see my latest vlog?

Y- No. Why?


Y- Oh my gosh!! Where are you? I want to talk to you!!

J- In my hotel room, watching YouTube.

Y- What hotel name?

J- LA Wonders, it's near you.

Y- Yeah! I know where it is! What's your room number?

J- Floor 4, lobby B, room 7


J- Tell Mark first!

Y- I will!

J- Okay see you soon!

Y- Yeah, see ya!

I switch to Mark's number and give him a quick text before heading out.

Hey, Mark. Jack's in LA, so I'm gonna go see him. Text me when you get home!

I grab a jacket, my stuff, everything that I need before going out. I lock the door, and walk down. Can't wait!! I walk out the apartment building and head to LA Wonders. (I don't know if that's a real hotel, I just made it up in my mind) It's a distance from here but I eventually get there. I walk in and walk to the elevator.




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