Mark, Leave Her Alone.

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"Yes, my queen." Jack chuckles. He gives me a kiss before he goes into the kitchen. I go into the bathroom, then I hear a doorbell. "Could you get that?" I said, before going into the bathroom.

----after you do your bathroom needs----

I hear mumbling, I put my ear close to the door, so I can hear what is happening.

"Mark, what are you doing here?" I hear Jack say. Mark is here?!?!?

"I'm here for Y/n." Mark says.

"Well, she doesn't want you, leave." Jack says, I smile. Jack is trying to be "manly"

"Shut up, Jack, where is she?" Mark says, a bit irritated.

"She doesn't want to see you, can you fucking go?" Jack says, really annoyed.

"She doesn't love you Jack, so stop acting like she does, let me see Y/n." Mark says, angry.

I hear a loud thump

Oh, shit, what the hell happened??

I open the door and act like I didn't hear anything.

But what I saw, well, I sure did see something.

Jack had pinned Mark up on the wall.


"Jack, w-what going on?" I asked.

"Y/n, I-I, Mark was, I um..." Jack softens but is panicking. Mark smiles.

"Y/n!" No Mark, leave me alone.

"Mark, leave her alone." Jack says, sternly.

"Shut up, Jack, you don't need her." Mark says, getting close to me.

I walk back.

Jack pulls Mark back with a growl.

"Mark, leave her alone!!!" Jack shouted, Mark slapped Jack, and Jack pinned him against the wall.

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