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I ran down stairs and bumped into Nervy.

"Jesus, you're a busy birthday girl, what's going on?" She said.

"I HAVE NO CLUE! Jack and Mark told me someone was gonna hurt me and that I should leave...everyone should leave..."

"Y/n, everyone left. Jack told them to go ages ago. " Nervy said.

"Oh....do you know what's happening...?" I asked her.

"No.....but this seems like some random girl on the internet felt bad for not writing her fanfiction and for it not being interesting anymore so she added something like that to make it more interesting..." Nervy said, taking a sip of her drink...

"What?....where did you get that....?" I asked, confused as fuck.

"Nothing, let's go...."

Nervy grabbed my arm and pulled me to her car. Then she told me to enter the car.

When we started driving, Nervy explained a little of what she knew.

"So apparently, there's this crazy ass fan wanting to kill you...because Mark and Jack likes you...so yeah...."

"How do you know that?"

"Because I'm the author...."


"So then, Mark and Jack told me to take you to Matthias' place for a while."


"Okay, you'll stay there until Jack comes to pick you up and then who knows what happens.... I haven't planned or written anything so I don't know..."


"Got it?"



Nervy drove to a house that had Matthias standing in front of it.

"Matt!" I said, jumping out of the car.

"Hey, what's up? You doing good?"

I nodded and smiled.

"HEY!" I heard an aggressive female voice...

Matthias panicked and pulled me in his house...

I feel bad.
This was a crap chapter.
I'm sorry.
Thank you guys so much for 34k reads.
Honestly, thank you.
I'm sorry couldn't do anything special
I feel like crap
My friends are MEAN...
Other than that, I'm okay...

Btw, apparently, I'm Deadpool's sister....

Thank you so much

If you have any suggestions on what can further the plot, comment!! :)

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