Scott's Assistant

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Unfortunately, Alexia isn't coming. She got a promotion and they needed her to go to Cuba. But Leeiah is. Me and Leeiah rush to the airport. After we get onto the plane, Leeiah freaks out. "WHO IS SCOTT?" She screams in my ear. "Lee, can you chill?" She gulps and nods.
After The Flight
"Lee....Lee.....Leeiah, wake up...." I mumble to Leeiah. "Leeiah Fiona Rodriguez!" Leeiah jumps up and almost hits my eye. "Calm down, woman, welcome to LA." I smile. We grab our bags and head out. I walk forward and bump into a man. "I am so sorry!" I apologize. "You don't have to be, I was looking for you..." Says a familiar deep voice. Markiplier. Mark goes for a hug but I hold up my pointer finger. I turn behind me and see Leeiah's face. Overwhelmed. With emotions. "Mark, this is Leeiah. A fan of yours. Lee this is- well you know who this is." I smirk. "Hel-lo!" Mark says. "Hi-" Leeiah hides behind me. "Hehehe. Y/n, c'mon, I'll be you driver today..." Mark says, trying to be fancy. "I don't think so!" A man with long brown hair comes behind us. "My boss told me to pick you up." The man says. "Tell your boss that we'd rather go with a friend than a complete stranger. Thank you and goodbye." I wave and walk away. But something grabs my shirt. "Y/n and Leeiah are coming with me, I'll tell you who I am, in the car ride. If you don't cooperate, bad things will happen." Mark looks furious. "You know what dude? Leave them alone! They said they don't want to go with you. Why can't you just leave them alone? Leave Y/n and Leeiah alone!" Mark steps in front of me and Lee. The mystery man takes out a taser. "I'm not scared!" Mark said. I bet money he was terrified. "Alright, alright! I'll go with this crazy piece of shit and I'll text you when I get to wherever I'm going to go." I tell Mark. He gets a concerned/sad face. I think the concerned was for me and Leeiah and the sad was that he wasn't manly enough. Either way he said, "Okay," and we went off. The strange man took us to a black car. We got in and went off. "So who the fuck are you?" I like to go straight to the point. "Pletcher. Jarrod Pletcher." I look at Leeiah. "Who is your boss?" I ask. "You may know him as Scott Nickinson....." He says. "More like Scott Dickinson..." I mumble. "What's that?" Jarrod asked. "Nothing." I responded fast. After the drive we went into this big fancy hotel. "Whoa..." I say. Leeiah nods. Jarrod turns around and speaks. I wish he didn't. "So your rooms are upstairs and-" "HELLO!!!!???" Jarrod gets interrupted by a VERY familiar Irish accent. "Jack.....septic....eye!!!" Leeiah whisper screams. "Excuse me but keep your voice down!" Jarrod tells Jack. Keep Jack's voice down? Impossible! "Sorry but I'm gonna need these girls for a moment please!" Jack says. Jackaboy comes to the rescue! "No, you may leave now! You have no purpose for them!" Jarrod snaps. You know what Jarrod. GO FUCK YOURSELF! Anyway, Jack makes the best reason ever. "I need them for, ummm, the They're doing a children's charity! My friend Mark tried to get them but YOU got in the way..." I nod and so does Leeiah. "Umm, okay, I guess so. Explains your accent..." Jarrod says, "I'll ask someone to take your bags, Leeiah and Y/n, you go.." I do a silent victory dance and run out the door along with Leeiah and Jackaboy. "Irish Children Care?"

SO SORRY FOR THE LATE CHAPTER AND SHORT CHAPTER. Stuffs going on in the family so I had to delay for a long time!!!! I had a little bit of free time to make this long of a chapter so that's why it's short. And when I mean "Stuffs going in the family" I mean like, I got a B on a test and my mom whooped me for it. Anyway, I have a friend named Jarrod Pletcher so I just used his name. So if you were wondering where the freak did that name come from. Now you know! I'll try to update again on Thursday, no idea when but yeah. Anyway, I'LL SEE ALL YOU DUDES-- okay I won't. 😜


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