The Neccesary

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*insert Mishovy's "I'm back" clip*


"I made a huge mistake. One, which I think about daily, I think I'm lucky sometimes." Jack said, giving me that little chuckle that I love about him when I started dated him.

"Lucky?" I asked him, handing him a tissue. "I am so lucky for you to be standing by my side, and supporting me. So, please, forgive me."

"Jack, you need to understand that you still made a big impact on my choices. Forced choices, I'm gonna add." I said. "I know, I'm sorry. I'm extremely sorry."

"I... don't know if I'll forgive you. Because, I loved Mark so damn much back then. That's why I was so heartbroken." I explained to him. He nodded. "You were so sweet, nice, caring, and..."

"And...?" I saw Jack's face growing bigger as he was leaning closer. "You were there for me when I-" And like that, Jack's lips were on me. But, it felt different.

The kiss was filled with...




"I never thought that I would need to beg for you... but here I am...begging for you." Jack said, moving away. I realised I haven't kissed Jack in so long.

"But, remember Y/n, you have to chose Mark or me..."

"Why can't I have both of you?"

Jack did a weak laugh. "I wish it could be like that, but, unfortunately, it can't."

"When should I drop my decision?" I asked him.

"Maybe, tomorrow. It would stop chaos, pain, and the heartache sooner."

I gulped in nodded.

"Tomorrow, I need to make a choice."


Readers: Just leave Nervy, nobody wants you here. You left for a damn month.

Yeah, but like-

Readers: We want a god damn ending, and you keep dragging out this stupid story!

I know, but I'm going-

Readers: Don't even bother writing anymore...

But I need to-

Readers: LEAVE!


Readers: WHAT?

The next couple chapters will be the final chapters. But, I need a decision.

Mark or Jack.

Readers: Obviously, Mark. No Jack! Wait, no....

Wade: ME?

Readers: Yeah, let's do Wade!

But, he has a wife. Molly, remember?

Wade: I'm just bored.

Wade, you're cool and all but can you, like, leave?

Wade: Peace.


I will never get a decision...... *facepalm*


Chapter 69, amirite?

A Choice (Jacksepticeye VS Markiplier X Reader Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now