Part 1

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Five year old Rimisha was peering around the kitchen door from the hall, but it wasn't the good time to ask for the left over noodles for breakfast . A moment ago her mom had got her hand burned trying to make an omelette for her ,dropping  the spatula on the floor with a loud squeal.

"Oh no" chipped Rimi as she saw the kitchen clock struck eight. She  went upstairs to the penthouse where her nanny slept.
"Ishika Aunty .... Ishika Aunty ...." Chipped Rimi trying to wake up her nanny.
Ishika was sleeping  with a pillow on her face. The blanket was half on the bed and half off..
'May be her alarm clock broke again' ,Rimi said to herself . She had already dressed herself for school .

"Ishika Aunty ... Wake up .. ", she called out again ,  a little louder this time. Ishika sat up in bed with a jolt, the pillow on her face fell on her lap. She rubbed  her eyes and chipped ,
" what time is it ????"
"It's eight o clock nearly", replied Rimmi
" OH !!!!! SH----", Ishika bit her lip.
They were interrupted by a voice calling urgently ,
"Ishika!!!.. is Rimi  ready for school???,aren't you going to give her breakfast?".
"Umm.. Yeah!!! We'll be in a minute ", Ishika replied hesitantly . She rolled off her bed and pulled a fleece over her night shirt . She tied her messy hair in a bun and ran downstairs with Rimi .
" Good morning ", Ishika smiled at Sanyukta who was having her breakfast .
" Good morning, Ishika ",Sanyukta smiled back . She was wearing a pink shirt with her pencil skirt and silhouette .She had tried her hair in a high ponytail with a little make up . She was looking presentable and completely professional.  She got up to leave just then she heard a voice...

"Mom, will u be back early today " asked Rimi with hopeful eyes.

"I can't promise that to you sweetheart ,but I'll surely make up for it this weekend" Sanyukta said kissing Rimi on her forehead.

" Bye sweetheart ,do ur homework on time and no mischief behind my back..okay!!"

"Bye mom, don't worry I'll be a good girl.."
She pecked Rimi on her cheek and left for office..closing the door behind her.

As soon as Sanyukta left..Rimi turned to Ishika and chipped
" Ishika Aunty, can I have the left over noodles for breakfast, please".
"Rimi how many times I asked you not to call me Aunty .. ' Ishika '  is fine"  ,she frowned ..
" oops sorry... Ishika".
" That sounds much better, but am sorry as u cannot have the left over food for breakfast". "I had strict instructions from your mother ".

Hearing this Rimi pouted making a sad face. Seeing her cute pout Ishika added "But I can compensate it with a bowl of   Chocolate ice cream , only if you promise that will not tell a soul about it".
" yeeeeeeh" ,Rimi jumped with joy . 

Ishika brought two bowls of ice cream after they finished their breakfast . "Are we celebrating something?"chipped Rimi taking her first spoon of her favourite ice cream ..
"Yeah , good guess lil genius.. "It's been one month since am staying with you as your nanny".
"So???". Chipped a confused Rimi .
"So... That means my trial period is over and am permanent now..


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