Part 28

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It was a Sunday morning but there was nothing exciting about it . It was rather dull and gloomy. Randhir sat on the stair that lead to the backyard , looking up in the sky and reminiscing the day when Sanyukta came to his house.

Randhir's PoV:
She looked disturbed since the day we went out for dinner. Her face looked pale and she looked lost. I asked her many times but she kept denying. I thought of giving her some time , hoping she will confide when she's comfortable.
She called me up on Tuesday and said that she wanted to come over and meet me at 5 in the evening, as there was something she wanted to talk about. I was relieved that now I would get to know what's bothering her so much.
I took a shower and shaved my slightly grown stubble. It was around 3 in the afternoon, I heard my mobile ringing. It flashed an unknown number. Thinking it might be someone for business I answered.....

"Hello Shekhawat Vintage Motors"

"ROn.... , its me Vidz",

"What do you want now ???", I said in a stern tone.

"Ron... Plz don't be so harsh honey. I know what happened between us was wrong. We both were at fault . I want to forget everything and give it a fresh start."

"Look ...whatever we had is over. Am not interested in it anymore??? And moreover it was you who walked out of it in the first place..."

"I know honey- but I realised how much I miss being with you..Can't we give it a second chance?? I want to meet you tonight so that we can talk over it.",she said in a coquettish tone"

"Sorry .I can't I'm busy with guests. Please don't bother to call again as I won't be picking it up."- I hanged up the call.

I got busy with my official documents and an hour later I heard the doorbell ring. As I opened the door I saw her standing at my doorstep with puffy and swollen eyes.
"Hi", she said with a smile that couldn't reach her eyes .
She looked more pale than the day I had last seen her. It looked as if she hadn't slept for days. I couldn't see her like this. I just hugged her with all my strength . I wanted to take away all her pain ,all her stress..but it didn't help.

I prepared coffee for both of us, but she denied having anything. I kept the coffee back on the table and sat beside her . Then she told me about Rehan Bajaj coming back in her life. She told me about how successful he is now. I got really upset when I heard it.
Is she leaving me for money???, was the first question in my mind. Just the way my mom had left my dad ..I was really annoyed and insecure when she told me he wanted to take them out for lunch . I couldn't imagine her with someone else.

I couldn't blame her when she said she's doing it all for the sake of her daughter and that she didn't want to confuse her more therefore she wanted to end it ,as she doesn't see it going anywhere. I never confessed my true feelings for her . I didn't realise it till the fear of losing her to someone else crept in .
I told her I would wait for her till everything settles down...But she was hesitant and didn't want to keep me waiting.
I just couldn't let her go- I wanted to show her what she meant to me. I wanted to show her how much I love her . I wanted her to believe my every word.

I smashed my lips against her soft ones pouring all my emotions taking away the pain and stress she was going through. She too responded with equal passion. I flicked my tongue inside her mouth and worshiped every corner.We pulled out to catch our breath. I kissed her at the base of her neck and bit her there marking her as mine.
Just then my eyes fell on the door and I was shocked to see Vidz standing there.
I had told her that I was busy but I guess she had come to check on me. What would I tell Sanyukta ??? Would she believe me??? She was stunned and furious.She took her bag and started marching out of my house angrily. I ran after her to stop her , to explain her what exactly it is?? I didn't want her to think that I'm on some rebound with her . I wanted to tell her that the woman sitting inside meant nothing to me. But she didn't give me a chance to speak. She dumped me and broke up with me saying she didn't want to complicate things more. I just stood there lifeless watching her go away from me .The tears that I held back in my eyes blurred my vision but being a man, my ego didn't allow me to cry.

I turned my heels and stormed inside my house."What the bloody hell you think you are doing here Vidhushi  ??? I told you I was busy and I had plans ??"

"Relax Ron, there's nothing to shout. I told you I was missing you. And now since am back here to live with you , you don't need another woman to find solace."She walked inside the kitchen and got a bottle of wine and two glasses. She poured the wine in the glasses and started sipping from one.

"What made you think I will let you stay here  ??? I told you already that I'm not interested in you anymore.And what made you think that am on the bloody rebound.. ?? Sanyukta is a wonderful woman and I ....... " , I composed himself and chipped " like her a lot".I don't know why I didn't say it .I paused for a while and said "Don't you think it's time for you to leave??"

"I drove here myself. And now that am drunk. I suppose I'll have to stay over in the spare room of course. I left my toothbrush here when I went. Isn't that handy???"

"I threw it out already "

"Then I guess I'll have to borrow yours...",she said with a cunning smile.
"Mind if I smoke "..and without waiting for my response she started hunting for it in the drawer of the coffee table. 

"You won't find any there", I said. "I gave up"

"Again??",she sighed despairingly. "They are probably still in the dustbin "

"I doubt I threw away my last pack a couple of weeks ago"-

"Oh ...What about your emergency supply ??"

"That was the emergency supply "

"You mean you haven't got any cigarettes in the house????", Vidz looked at me in astonishment.

"Not unless you bought some with you", I chipped as I really needed it to control my emotional outburst.

End of PoV..


Here is the part with Randhir's  PoV on your request. Thank you so much for all the love and appreciation.
Happy Reading

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