Part 8

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"Sorry , but who are you "- she frowned

"Randhir Singh Shekhawat ", he waited for a second and then continued ,
" Parth is my brother. I'm here because am worried about him"

"I think you've come to the wr ------", she was cut off by him.

"Well lady, you  must know that he always had a weakness when it comes to women.Not that I haven't, if you understand what I mean ----but Parth is fickle and changes his mind frequently when it come to women. ...And this time, he was all set to marry Tanya.. She's perfect for him . Not that you would not be but, Tanya is from the same class and background ."--he said it in a go without taking a breath... He had been practicing these words on his way while coming.

On hearing this , Sanyukta's frown turned into a glare. Who's this guy who's insulting her  at her doorstep by commenting on her class. She was about to yell at him , when  she heard him again....

"Well, Miss Khanna...", he continued " I don't intend to be harsh on you...."

"No", she said after a pause, folding her hands, trying to analyse what's going on.

"You don't strike me as his type...You don't have those long Barbie doll legs", he just uttered without thinking.

Sanyukta's jaw dropped forming a perfect '0'...

"Sorry ????" She almost yelled..

"OH !!!! Well, you seem to be a reasonable girl though ."

" Really?????"- she cocked up her brow.

"Am sure you'll understand the position I'm in .... ", he chipped hopefully .

"I see...",she said.

"Oh that's can see , than there's only one decent thing for you to do.."

"And that would be???"..

"To tell Parth that it's ..OVER between you ".

"Hi", came a voice behind him, making him jump.

Randhir's PoV :
This was the kind of girl ,a guy would get crazy about. Tall, fair with dark curly hair hanging on her shoulder , perfect curves.Not to forget , the long Barbie doll legs .

Sliding past me, she stepped into the house as 'Ishika Khanna ', moved aside and let her in.

"Good you were home", the new arrival said to Ishika." I forgot my keys."

"Well, you've arrived at the right time then" ,Ishika said to the new arrival and looking towards me she continued,
" Ishika Khanna Randhir Singh Shekhawat . Apparently you know his brother Parth".

End of pov.

Randhir's mouth dropped open this time but no words came out. He stood looking at both the women.

" I'm sorry",were the only words he could utter..

Sanyukta couldn't help overhearing the conversation that followed. She was peeling potatoes for lunch and the door between the hall and the kitchen didn't shut properly. Of course she could have gone out to the garden, where Rimi was playing but the potatoes really needed to be peeled......

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