Part 11- The surprise

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Sanyukta sat at her desk in the office , staring at the murky depths of her coffee, mesmerised by a couple of granules that hadn't dissolved properly.
It was lunch time and she wasn't hungry. The sudden "trringggg " of the phone on her desk made her jump.

"Hello M & S Corporate Designs",

"Sanyukta, its  me Aaryan. Could you please come into my office ???"


"Your not too busy , are you ??"

She looked at her chipped nail which needed to be filed and chipped ,"No."

"Good, I'll see you in a minute then".

She put the phone down and glanced around  to make sure that nobody is looking  . She took out a small mirror from her bag and smoothed  the strands of hair which were out of place. She tucked  them back into her clutch.
She didn't  go to the Ladies Room as she didn't want to be caught  staring at herself in the large mirror before entering Aaryan's office.

A blush was quite evident on her face. She could feel butterflies in her stomach as she started  walking towards the corridor where Aaryan's office was.
Her pulse was already racing...thinking why he might have called her during lunch break.

Turning a corner she caught  the sight of a closed door .
"Damn it. "- she sighed deeply.

How was she supposed to act all calm and poised when she felt like a hormone raged teenager inside.

She knocked on Aaryan's plain ,
pine- effect door and waited.

"Come in", he called out.

Sanyukta turned the chrome handle and entered. As soon as she walked in , she noticed that Aaryan was not alone.
There was a client too  , sitting on the visitors seat with his back turned towards her.Sanyukta's heart sank as she realised that she had been called for business and not----

The client who was sitting with his back  towards her , twisted his chair around
and -----

"OH CRAP", Sanyukta murmured  in disbelief with her eyes widened and mouth dropped open.

" I   seem  to have shocked  you . Haven't I ??? " - said  RANDHIR  with  his usual sexy smirk.

Aaryan raised his brow at Sanyukta .
"Ron here is saying that you know each other?????".

" ERrrrr..." .

She couldn't tell what she was feeling right now. ... OUTRAGED..... EMBARRASSED... ALARMED or a mixture of all the three. Disbelief had frozen her ability to think straight .

' What is he doing here in my office??' , was the question going on in her mind.

Meanwhile , she caught Randhir casting his appraising eyes over her short beige-brown suite which ended just above her knees.

Sanyukta in a fidget mode , smoothed the sides of her skirt and straightened her collar neck.

" Ron and I went to the same school    in fact we were in the same batch", Aaryan chipped with a smile .

" OH  Really "- another shock.

" Yeah.. ..I decided to catch up with my old friend .And besides, I have a business to discuss ". He nodded towards Aaryan and then smiled at Sanyukta . " And knowing where you work , I thought I'd say a 'Hi' to you".

"So ...???How did you two meet "- Aaryan asked.

" AH house isn't far from Sanyukta's house . We share neighbouring societies and everybody in the area knows --Sanyukta Aggarwal".

He gave her another smile , a more enigmatic one this time and swung back around to face Aaryan. 

"Could you please spare her for an hour or so????I'd like to take her out for lunch."

'Lunch - how dare he ??. He's asking permission from my boss to take me out for lunch'. Has he lost it..and why would I say YES "-Sanyukta said to herself in mind .

Sanyukta looked at Aaryan.
He stood up in a heroic style and declared - "Sanyukta is mine. You can't have her".--

Her fantasy was broken by Aryans voice calling out her name ---
.. "Sanyukta ... "
He was still sitting on his big black leather chair seeming undaunted .

"Huh... Yes"- she replied coming out of her dream .

" I'm sure I can spare her. Your not too busy, are you Sanyukta ???"


"Great"....Randhir winked at her. "I'll meet you in an hour". He glanced at his watch and said "That would give us enough time to discuss about my briefs."

"Briefs????"- Sanyukta almost yelled crocking her brow . They both turned towards her ..

"Yes.....My various design briefs".
Randhir paused for a while and said
"--for Shekhawat Vintage Motors".

"OH Right...". Her knees felt jelly-like as she took a quick exit to avoid the embarrassment.

"I prefer boxers "- she heard  Aaryan as soon as  she closed the door and the duo laughed out loudly.

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