Part 35

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It was 8'o'clock in the morning on Sunday . Randhir rang the bell and waited at the doorstep . It was answered after 5 mins by a young and cute woman of about 22.

"Hello, Tanya", he greeted her sheepishly . "Good morning"

Her surprised expression quickly turned into a delightful one.
"Hello Bhai...", she hugged him effusively explaining ,"You are my brother now, so it's allowed...."

Randhir couldn't help but chuckle at her cute antics. If he had a sister, it would surely be like Tanya.

Parth and Tanya lived in Gurgaon in a house gifted by Mr Kashyap as their wedding gift. The house was ideal for a newly wedded couple..

"Would you like to have breakfast, Bhai" , Tanya asked as they sat in the living room .

"No....Errr.. Can you get me a glass of wine , please if you don't mind???"

"Wine??? This early in the morning??? What's the matter Bhai?? Is everything alright ???", asked Tanya ,concerned for her Brother-in-law .

Parth poked his head out of the door, along the hall. "Bhai.... !!!!"
Randhir smiled at his brother .
"Hey Parth.."
Parth came out of the room into the hall and both of them shared a warm brotherly hug.
"It's so good to see you Bhai, though I was not expecting you this early in the morning". He paused for a while observing his face and chipped, "what's the matter Bhai??? Why are you looking so pale and disturbed... Is everything Okay???

"No ..I'm fine . I just broke up with Vidz last week. This time - for good. My decision for a change. Do you know I'd never dumped anyone before. I've always been dumped. "

Tanya sighed," I'm sure you wouldn't have done it you hadn't had to-.... Anyways I'm not going to let you go home in this condition. You are staying here for a couple of days."

"But...", he was cut off in between ..

"No ..Ifs and Buts, Bhai .You're staying here with us and that's final "

"Ok", he agreed .

Tanya grinned. " That's like a good Bro. We have sorted out the wedding and honeymoon pictures, so prepared to be bored a while later."

"As you wish , young lady", Randhir smiled back.

"Fine.. I'll make breakfast for all of us.Then we all will go out for lunch and then a movie. Unless of course you agree to cheer up, in which case you can stop feeling guilty and start having fun. It's very simple, really"

Another smile spread widely on Randhir's lips. Caught up in the moment , he enveloped his sister-in-law in a fond and grateful bear hug.
"Why couldn't I have got involved with someone uncomplicated like you ???", he chipped releasing her.

Parth slapped his back , saying "Vidz was not worth it , Bro"

"It's not Vidz , whom I'm talking about.... It would be so easy if I were"

Both Parth and Tanya looked at him puzzled.

Tanya sat opposite to Randhir on the breakfast table, while his brother was sitting on the kitchen slab.
Randhir could feel both sets of eyes on him, anxious and intent. He slumped in the hard wooden chair , grinding his fist on the table.

"So, Now that you've filled us up with what we missed while we were away, tell us when did you realise how you felt about, Sanyukta "

Randhir threw back his head and stared at the ceiling . " I think I knew for certain the same instant she was intending to dump me. If that makes sense..."

"It's common enough", said Parth . "We rarely appreciate what we have until we face the prospect of loosing it"

Randhir knew that Parth was speaking from experience . After all, he almost lost Tanya .
"I'm such a stupid ass", he groaned.

"You are the strangest looking ass, I've ever seen", Parth replied grimly. "Though I'll reserve the judgement on the stupid part".

"Ignore him Bhai", said Tanya glaring at her husband ."So let me get this straight.Since that day at your house, you haven't made contact with her??? You haven't tried to her back??"

"It's not that easy", Randhir replied. "Not with a child involved. I would hardly get into Sanyukta's good books , if I complicated things further ". He explained the reason behind the break-up in more detail.

"But you don't actually know, how she feels about you??", Tanya asked.

"I knew she liked me. We were attracted to each other. It was just a few dates but nothing physical.."

Parth looked distractedly at the steam coming out of the idli cooker and chipped, "She doesn't sound like your usual type, Bhai "

"She isn't ",Randhir chipped and seemed to get lost in his thoughts. "The second time I met her at the sports club, most of her hair were pulled back of her face into a tight ponytail. I had to resist the urge to yank it open . The first time I had seen her, she was so fresh and pretty, her hair fluffy and loose around her shoulders. So sweet...."

"Sweet??? I have never heard him say that about any of his previous girlfriends. They were hot .. Sexy ...but not sweet.."

"Stop taking the piss Parth " , Randhir said while Tanya threw another hard glare at him.

"Sorry...", Parth chipped . "Tell us more about Sanyukta "

"She has amazing eyes. A beautiful hazel ones. And her daughter's are the same. ", Randhir chipped picturing her the day he had last seen her.

"Didn't the kid get in the way at all??", Parth asked.

"Rimi isn't a snotty nosed brat, if that's what you're thinking . She's bright for her age and hell of a chatterbox , once she gets started."

"It sounds as if you're missing her too", said Tanya .

"I suppose I am", said Randhir. " I never told this to Sanyukta , but sometimes I used to pretend that Rimi was mine. There was this one time, when we went to the movie, I grabbed her hand while we crossed the road and it felt just right . I was naturally protective of her. --- I liked that"


Hey guys,
Hope you all are liking the story. Am not getting enough votes.. Am I making it boring. Please feel free to let me know. I would be really glad.

Happy Reading...

Pre cap: The unexpected phone call.

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