second last part

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"Can I ask you something?", Randhir said .

"Hmmm??", she was still looking down, blinking ,to stop the tears coming out of her eyes.

"Are you planning to go back to work after the baby is born??"

"I suppose, I'll have to", she shrugged.
"What about your 'Shekhawat Vintage Motors ' and your Cricket coaching classes .. How will you manage it being the Managing Director of M&S ???", she asked slightly diverting the subject, as she didn't want to concede that point.

"Well, I'm planning to club my business with M&S , after I join it. As far as the cricket classes are concerned, I did that as a hobby. But, I don't think I'll be able to continue it anymore. I want to keep my weekend free for children??"

"Children???", she frowned.

"The baby and Rimi.. I hope you wouldn't have a problem, if Rimi accompanies the baby to stay over at weekends"

"I suppose not. She loves you a lot --", she was cut off by him.

"What about you???", he smirked.

"Sorry???" , she turned pink on hearing it . And then , pretending as if she didn't understand, she frowned and blinked looking at him.

"I mean-- How about you , " , he composed himself. "being my PA again in office... "

"Oh.... Okay.. ..That -- we can discuss in office once you join the firm. ", she replied tactfully.

"You can always try your different techniques on me, if you like."


"I mean-- this house. As you 'love' interior designing, pretend this house to be a blank canvas. Go wild."

"Oh... Right",  she was sweating by now."But , I'm not into Vaastu or Feng Shui "

"I know you are not...I wouldn't have asked you, if you were "

"Good..", her lips cracked into a tiny smile, although her heart seemed to be heavier than when she had first arrived.
She sighed deeply and chipped,
"I suppose , I'd better check on Rimi."

Randhir was right behind her, as she went across the hall and peered through the door of the living room.
Her daughter and Poggy were both curled up on the large red couch , fast asleep.

"I can't believe , she slept  again ", Sanyukta chipped looking at her daughter.

"Too much of excitement for one day."

"But, it's just quarter past nine...."

Randhir led the way back to the kitchen." We might as well let them take a nap. That couch has its uses."

Sanyukta felt herself blush. Her cheeks had turned red like tomatoes. And to make matters worse, Randhir noticed it   and grinned.

"Why are you embarrassed?", he asked calmly."You have become all red"

"No .... I'm not .... ", she lied trying to defend herself. "

"Yes , you are"

"Well, It's .... .. It's just ......that couch.... Well, it's where we--",he didn't let her complete.

"Made Mad, Torrid , Passionate Love.. Are there any more adjectives , which you would like me to add??? "

"Randhir!!!!", Sanyukta broke out in a sweat. "What happened..has happened. You don't have to turn it into a joke . If we are going to be grown-ups about this---"

"Not that again....", he lifted his eyes heaven wards.
"Okay. If you insist.... "
And before she knew what was happening, she was swaddled in his big ,muscular ,wooly arms and his  mouth pressing against hers, softly, then fiercely, then softly again. She felt as if the whole kitchen was spinning around her.

"There..", he said huskily, releasing her.
"Was that grown-up enough for you??"

Hey guys.
Here's  the next chapter  in celebration of the 'Golden jubilee'
Take it as a treat from my side.. :-)
The next chapter would be the Last one.. Please do vote and leave your precious and valuable feedback... 

Happy Reading...

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