Part 15

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Sanyukta reached her office and resumed her work. There were a pile of files on her table which needed her attention. She got engrossed in them when suddenly she heard Aaryan's voice calling out:-
" Attention Everybody, I have an announcement to make"

Everyone turned their heads towards Aaryan from their respective desks . Sanyukta spotted Randhir standing by his side.

"This is my friend Randhir Singh Shekhawat,the Owner of Shekhawat Vintage Motors,we are starting a joint
Venture together the details of which will be emailed to you shortly. Therefore during this period ,that is till next three months, he will be working with us in our office ".
It wasn't a surprise for Sanyukta as she had an idea about it.Then she saw Randhir whispering something to Aaryan .

Aaryan looked in Sanyukta's direction and chipped-" Sanyukta, could you please meet me in my cabin in 5 minutes from now".

"Sure sir", she replied .

After sometime while on her way towards Aaryan's cabin , she saw Krithika and her gang gossiping among themselves eyeing in her direction...
Sanyukta just rolled her eyes and moved ahead ignoring them.

She knocked the door and waited.

"Please come in"

As soon as she entered the cabin, she saw Randhir sitting there already . He looked at her for moment with a smile and then shifted his attention towards Aaryan.

"Yes sir????"-

" Sanyukta please have a seat, we have something to discuss with you"

Sanyukta frowned as she took her seat wondering what could it be.

"Well Ms Aggarwal .. You are one of the best employees we've got in our company. Your hard work and loyalty towards this firm never went unnoticed."

Sanyukta couldn't help by smile at his words.

"This venture is very important for both , me and Mr Shekhawat ", he paused for a while and continued .

"And since you already know Randhir and about our joint collaboration. I would like you to accompany him in this venture as his PA."

"But sir.... Am not qualified for the post of a Personal Assistant .... And besides this , what about Mr Mehra. Who will work for him????".

"Ms Aggarwal, I think your forgetting the fact that I'm  the CEO of this Company . I will decide who will do what...Take this as your promotion for all the hard work and overtime you've given to this firm. And as far as Mr Mehra is concerned ... a new recruitment will be hired for him soon till then somebody else will take care of him".

"Thank you , sir ", this was all she could utter.She didn't know .. How to react ??? She was very happy. This promotion meant a lot to her. She could now think of saving money for her daughter's  future which was impossible otherwise.

"Anyways, I have a very important meeting to attend, so Sanyukta
Can you please do me a favour, by showing Mr Shekhawat his cabin ? "- he spoke thus making her come out of her excitement.

'Oh can I forget. This promotion also means dealing with   Randhir Singh Shekhawat everyday', she said to herself in mind.

"Sure", saying this she walked out of his cabin and waited outside for Randhir to join her.

" This is your cabin sir, I may take your leave now . If you needed anything, you can just dial Ext 5002."

She was about to leave , when-
"Sanyukta ", he held her hand calling out her name for the first time.
Her name never sound so good to her. His touch was making her feel butterflies in her stomach. Her breath got hitched and she was finding it difficult to breathe. She suddenly felt goosebumps all over her body...

"I'm sorry for what happened yesterday. I didn't mean to scare you. It's j----", he was cut off by her.

"Listen, Mr Shekhawat we are in office right now . You are my Boss for these 3 months and I'm your PA. So, it's better you keep it professional and don't try to be personal with me.", saying this she marched out of his cabin as fast as she could.

Sanyukta's PoV:
Why does this man has so much effect on me. I never felt this way before. The more I try to run away from him, the more he gets into my life. Does he feel the same way I do??? May be he's just flirting??? May be  not....Rather Why would he , when he knows I have a 5 year old daughter ...
End of PoV.

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