Part 40

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The kiss was smooth and soft. Sanyukta's nose was blocked from crying. She could scarcely breathe.Randhir left her lips and kissed her eyes one after the other sucking the tears. He kissed her forehead and then her nose. His lips lingered on her cheeks before it trailed downwards fluttering like butterflies . As his stubble grazed over her neck ,she felt a shiver down her spine . He pulled the sleeve of her one piece dress and trailed wet kisses on her collar bone and back to her neck and then upwards to her jawline. He traced it with open mouth and then smashed his lips on hers again,this time more fiercely and passionately.

His hands reached the zip of her dress and pulled it down. His hands caressed her bare back for a while then travelled upwards and pulled her dress down, off her shoulders revealing her bra. It was a normal bra , opaque and non lacy. Hardly any sight of sex appeal, but it didn't seem to matter Randhir . It didn't turn him off. He pinned her on the couch. He sucked and slightly bit the skin on the bulge near her cleavage leaving a mark there . He licked and kissed on it as she hissed in pain. His hands travelled to her back and unhooked her bra revealing her assets.
He knelt over her on the couch and stripped off this T-shirt with his muscular chest rising and falling urgently. He worshipped every cell of her body marking her as his pouring in all his love and insecurities.

Sanyukta melted in his arms . She had never felt as aroused as this. She hadn't expected his touch to wipe away all traces of denial. The fullness of her feelings was rising to the surface as clearly as glass. She had resisted confronting the truth, but now she had no choice. She was madly and maddeningly in love with him.

This was more than just physical attraction. It had been so much more than earlier on in their relationship. But admitting it to herself would have left her unprotected,with everything out of her control.
And now- it had let to this :- sleeping with him for all the wrong reasons and the right reasons, without knowing how he felt about her in return.

A shudder went through her, as the need for him grew. Soon , the rest of her clothes touched the ground along with his red and black silk boxers. He answered it by entering her. With a loud moan, she arched her back to receive him. At first, he moved slowly and more gently. Something deep inside her was being turned like a key in a clockwork toy. The sensation was delicious , intense and almost unbearable. As Randhir's stokes became more fierce , more purposeful , she felt as if a wave was swallowing up her entire body. It crashed over her , just as the pressure grew too much, bringing with it an incredible sense of release and fulfilment. He gasped and rode it , before Sanyukta felt his weight bear down on her. But she pulled him closer and lay back clinging desperately to the last vibration of pleasure as if they were the final flickering rays of a long hot summer .

Eventually she felt Randhir stir. He rolled off her, but remained on the couch, pressed against her side, thrusting an arm beneath her to keep his balance. She couldn't see his face as her head was buried in the region of his armpit. A second wave struck her, this time it was exhaustion. Her eyelids fluttered close, but she felt herself start to shiver. Her muscles moved in a little spasm as the sweat cooled on her skin.

"Are you alright ???", Randhir asked tucking the blanket around her.

"Yes ", she chipped after a pause. "Just tired"

"There's not much room side by side. Would you like me to get off??", he asked

Despite her cramped position , she shrugged . "Only if you want", she lied , too timid to say 'Don't you Dare'

He wasn't comfortable ,but to her relief , he didn't peel himself away. He draped his free arm over the blanket.
"If you are tired, better you try and get some sleep",he suggested.

She shrugged again although she was totally spent. There was no hope of summoning up the energy she would need to move. Yet her heart still functioned with a passion that had suddenly been let loose which reminded her that for as long as she lives and whatever happens to her, she would never forget Randhir Singh Shekhawat or the way he had made her feel.

Her last fleeting thought before she drifted off to sleep was that the funny little butterflies had landed in her hair, while it was actually Randhir's fingers caressing her hair to put her to sleep.

Hey guys... Here is the next chapter. Sorry for being late... It's the first time I described something like this . It took me a while to complete it. I had typed and erased it so many times and finally settled with this.
Please ignore my mistakes... I hope it isn't too bad..

Please vote and give me your feedback .

Thank you guys...
Luv you all..

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