Part 47

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Sanyukta's PoV:
I was feeling miserable since Randhir left my office . I just couldn't stop the tears, flooding my eyes.  It would have been completely different if he loved me too, the way I love him. But that was not the case .
He wants to marry me because he wants to overcome the guilt of getting me pregnant or may be because he wants to be close to his child .
But , things doesn't work this way.
My love for him is one-sided.
And only my love alone will not make the marriage work.In the end , it would be the children who would get effected and  suffer the consequences of divorce. And I won't let that happen at any cost .

I couldn't hold my tears anymore. I just wanted  to go home and cry out loud . It was a weekend and the next two days were off, which would give me enough time to get a control over my emotions and deal with the situation.

I called up Aaryan and took a half day sick leave. It was 2'o clock in the afternoon , I  decided to pickup Rimi early from school on my way home...
She was surprised and too delighted to see me come to pick her up. We took a cab and went home straight away.

As the cab stopped in front of our house,I noticed Rehan's Mercedes parked near the gate. 

'Oh Craap', I cursed in my mind.

"Were you expecting Daddy???", Rimi asked me with a frown.

"Not really ,sweetheart. But I guess he was missing you and might have come here early to surprise you when you come back from school "

I paid the cab driver and walked inside the house through the garden.
"Mummy..I'm really hungry. Can I have chocolate milkshake ??"

"Fine.. I'll ask Ishika to make it for you. She might be in the kitchen. Till then, you go and meet your dad. He might be waiting for you to return "

I used my keys to open the front door. I marched towards the hall and opened the door to the kitchen and .........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
The sight in front of me sucked in my breath. My eyes grew wide and my mouth fell open .I was stunned and glued to the ground.I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw Ishika and Rehan engaged in a passionate lip lock.

Just then I heard Rimi saying, "Mummy, Daddy isn't there in the living room....", her voice broke their trance and their eyes landed on me standing in the door. They were shocked and froze in their places.

Rimi poked her head around me to see what was wrong. She could see her Dad and Ishika were still holding hands with their fingers clasped.Coming out of the shock, they left each and stood apart.

"So, here we are.", Rehan chipped, breaking the awkward silence. "The truth is out at last". He took a few steps forward and stood in front of me.
"It's about time... We need to talk.."

"Rimi, sweetheart...Could you go upstairs and change your uniform.??",I chipped looking at Rimi as I didn't want her to witness the bitterness. She didn't budge from her place.
"Please darling....", she looked at me and then went upstairs to her room.
End of PoV

In the living room:

"So...",Sanyukta sighed looking from Rehan to Ishika. "When did this start..???"

"We couldn't help ourselves. It just happened ", Rehan said fiddling with his watch.

"That wasn't what I asked. And you've got this annoying habit of sounding as if you're in a bad soap opera."

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