Part 18

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Aaryan held her hand and pulled her along with him to show her the mansion, While Randhir stood there clenching his teeth. His eyes were blood shot red. He left from there in anger.

He went to the kitchen , opened the lemonade bottle and started pouring the content into a glass while his mind started popping more questions,
'Are they already in a relationship????
Does she love him???
But Aaryan never told me anything about it. Moreover I haven't noticed anything such in these 3 months--
If not , then why does she seem to be so comfortable with him... HUH ..while I had to bear the consequences for  just ---okay I pecked her --but still ...I faced the consequences for 3 bloody months...'

Lost in his thoughts he didn't realise when the lemonade started overflowing from the glass and the whole bottle got emptied--"OH Shhhitt".....

As he came back with the lemonade into the hall ,he could see them in the backyard through the window and the open double doors. She stood there laughing on some of Aaryan's silly jokes. As he went there , he heard Aaryan call out "Hey man, what took you so long for just pouring a drink into a glass  "... And before Randhir could answer anything.
He took the lemonade from him and turned towards Sanyukta, "Here's your drink lady, come let me take you to the Garage and show you Grandpa Shekhawat's vintage collection. It's worth having a look", saying so he again pulled her towards the garage.

'Huh??? Garage??? Why does he want to take her to the garage??? May be he wants to take advantage of the darkness and probably he would
KI -- ???? HELLL !!!!!NOOOOO ... I won't let this happen '

As he  strode hurriedly  towards the garage, he bumped with Krithika...or rather Krithika purposely came in his way and bumped herself on his hard masculine chest. She pretended to fall when Randhir caught her before she touched the ground.

"Hey Thanks Randhir for holding me tight and saving me "-Krithika said in a seductive tone. She paused for a while and continued."By the way, I was searching for you . where were you? What took you sooooo longggg ? This party seemed to be so boring without you."

She kept on blabbering, while Randhir's eyes were fixed in one direction .

There were about 40 people in the party and Sanyukta knew only half of them. Given a chance , she would have liked to mingle more but Aaryan seemed determined to monopolise her.

While glancing around , she caught the sight of Randhir and Krithika together. He was leaning against the wall with a glass of drink in one hand and his head bent to listen to Krithika ,who was drooling over him at his side. "Huh...MEN" , she muttered fuming with anger...

She was surprised at her own reaction these days, especially whenever she saw Krithika buzzing around Randhir with her not so innocent intensions .
How she wanted to chop her head off .

It was only a few months ago, she was very keen on  Aaryan to show an interest in her . She now wondered that may be  his indifferent attitude towards her might have caused the keenness to fade-off. He was being nice to her today but she .......

They stood by the Bonfire in the backyard where Aaryan started speaking again , "Do you know Sanyukta , besides cars , me and Ron, we both  share a common interest."

"Oh Really... what is that ???",

"Cricket of course, though he was never as good as me. I was way better than him". Thus he started  cooking her brain , going on about his cricket experiences - How the bowler from the opposite team spinned   the ball and how he defended it and hit a six-er.... The other one was how he faced and defended a Yorker....  She had enough of this cricket torture . She had to slip away somehow.

At last an idea came to her. She interrupted him just as he was about to describe her a game which he had played in his college's Sports Fest.

" Umm Aaryan , Will  you please excuse me , actually I need to use the washroom...",

"Sure.. Do you want me to help you find it ??"..

" Oh no .. Don't worry .I will manage", she replied.

She hurried across the backyard, hoping that by the time she returned, Aaryan would get himself busy with some other guest.
She couldn't help glancing back as she reached inside the house, but it wasn't in Aaryan's direction. Randhir- was still in deep conversation with that leggy 'chipkali'. She twisted her nose and walked inside .


Hello my dear readers.
Here's the nxt part. Sorry I couldn't update it yesterday. Please vote and do leave your precious comments.

Happy Reading..

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