Part 32

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"So...., Vidz was telling me that you both are planning to shift to Mumbai soon", Karan chipped initiating a conversation as soon as Vidz and Raima went to the kitchen to clear the dishes.

"Did she???? I don't remember discussing anything such with her"- Randhir replied..

"That means your planning to stay here and join your father's business????", Karan enquired.

"No.. ,I haven't got any such plans either. Why would I ,when I have my own business to run".

So that was what this unexpected dinner was all about. Or maybe she was just showing off in front of her friends but it wasn't looking anything like that.

"Well..To be frank, I don't see why you're struggling so much when you own the 40% stakes of one of the top firms in India. "

Vidz seemed to have fed him with all the information. Randhir grounded his teeth and replied,
"That's my personal decision and I don't like discussing my personal matters with anyone...specially outsiders and people whom I've never met before."

"I'm sorry ", Karan chipped and turned to the other guest to save himself from further embarrassment.

An hour later, when all the guests had left , Randhir sat hunched on a sofa with the CD player and rapid waning candles. Vidhushi strolled out of the kitchen with a hand on one hip and the other tweaking her hair, and sank beside him on the sofa.

"You haven't drunk much. Only a glass and a half ", she chipped.

"You would be great on Crime-watch ", he taunted.

"Then again", she went on ignoring his remark ,"with alcohol there's always a risk that it might hamper your performance, and I want our first official reconciliation to be perfect "

"Performance???? I think we need to talk Vidz "

"Not now.... ", her hand squeezed his knees.

"Vidz-- "

"Fine.... I need a cigarette ", she took out one for herself and held out the pack to him challengingly..

"Cigarette??? ", she chipped
"Don't tell me you are still abstaining..."

He was tempted but shook his head.

"Oh My.. You've turned into a well behaved boy..... That little Mommy girl must have been a positive influence "

"Her name's Sanyukta ", Randhir said with a knot in his stomach.

"Whatever it may be, she was obviously very good for you in some ways but , I hope she hadn't turned you into even more of a bore than you already were"

Randhir felt a sudden burning desire to lash out but, he had never been violent to any woman and wasn't about to start now. It would be very easy to push her against a wall and vent his frustration in other ways, but that was what she exactly wanted . If he played into her hands, if he transformed his pain and anger into something else , he would add guilt to his list of woes and only aggravate the situation.

"Why did you tell your friends that we are moving to Mumbai ??"

"Aren't We????

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