Part 34

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Soon the smile on her face, faded away-
'Hell---Rehan Bajaj ', Sanyukta said to herself not realising she had said it louder than she wanted it to be.

"And who is he???"

"Rimi's father...", she summerized the situation for Aaryan.

"So... You are thinking of patching up with Rehan again for Rimi's sake???"

Sanyukta shook her head.."He has driven me crazy since he has arrived"

"Does he want to get back together with you??"

"I - I don't know. He said all these things when he came back. He said he hadn't been serious about anyone else since we split up back then. He doesn't want me to meet Randhir."

"I see"... Aaryan scratched his jaw thoughtfully and continued,
"Ron is a decent guy. He didn't have the best of his childhood with his parents always at each other's throat. His mom remarried someone else and his dad didn't had time for him. It affected him a lot while he was at school. He's extremely intelligent , a born genius. He could have done even better academically . I've never been surprised at anything he had done. Except for -- "

"Except for???"

"Well I can't tell you that -- it's his personal decision and his own choice. It's Strange but he is like that ----very secretive . He doesn't express his feelings to anyone. I'm his only friend with whom he confides besides his brother Parth , but -- I haven't met him since last 2 months. I don't know where he is??"

"I'm too old for secrets...Besides I've got Rimi to consider." Sanyukta chipped.

"Fair enough. But I hope you don't use that as an excuse to hide behind when the world gets a little too .....uncertain"

Sanyukta got up from her chair, putting the strap of her bag on her shoulder, chipped " well I got work to do, even if you haven't "

"Sanyukta , my love life had been hopeless , but I don't want to see that happening to you"

"Thanks for the coffee ", she said and started walking towards the door.

She didn't notice Aaryan following , he was right behind her.

"We may as well walk together ", he said.

Sanyukta tried to walk as fast as she could. She wanted to avoid what he was about to say. But he seemed to match her pace effortlessly. So there was no point trying to evade him .

"Just as long as you don't keep playing agony aunt.", she grumbled.

"How about a concerned friend??"

"I can take care of myself , thank you."

"Okay, I'm going to ask you one more thing... If Rehan, hadn't come back, do you think you would still be with Ron?"

Aaryan had slowed down, but Sanyukta wasn't about to fall into that trap . She kept going, she walked straight on the road , into the path of the traffic , where a black taxi was about to hit her. A moment later she stood trembling on the kerb as she was yanked back by Aaryan. He had a firm hold on her hand , as if he couldn't trust her not to do it again . She opened her mouth to speak ,
"Don't bother ,Sanyukta ", he said shakily. "You have just given me all the answers I needed...."


This is the bonus part guys...

Happy Reading...

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