Last part

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"Randhir!!!!", Sanyukta broke out in a sweat. "What happened..has happened. You don't have to turn it into a joke . If we are going to be grown-ups about this---"

"Not that again....",he lifted his eyes heaven wards,and then smirked mischievously saying,
"Well, Okay.......If you insist---". And before she knew what was happening, she was swaddled in his big , muscular , wooly arms and his mouth pressed against hers.

He kissed her softly at first,nibbling her lower lip, then he fiercely sucked and bit it ,making her moan .He took the chance and slid his tongue inside , worshipping and tasting every corner of her mouth. She felt as if the whole kitchen was spinning around her. He kissed both her lips softly again, before he pulled out to catch his breath.

"There....", he said huskily, releasing her."Was that grown-up enough for you????"

Sanyukta stood reeling. "Oh", she chipped putting a hand on her lips, which seemed to be burning up.

"Are you Ok?? The baby.....", he asked in a worried tone.

"No", she sniffed fishing for a tissue.
"I'm fine. The baby is fine..... Err... What ...umm ...was that for", she asked looking everywhere but him. Her cheeks had turned as red as tomatoes.

"Because there's something I forgot to tell you that day. Something quite important."

Sanyukta felt dazed. Her knees started to shake. She aimed and sat down in the nearest chair, while he continued.

"And I would have never said it, because in my opinion it's harder than proposing. I felt that , I had put myself on the line enough already. But then....... A Crazy woman turns up on my doorstep, virtually at the crack of dawn, in this chilly and foggy weather. And I know..... I just know..."

"Knnoww Wha...What???", her whole body was trembling by now.

"That she wouldn't have done that.. If she didn't feel exactly the same way as I do.", he paused and looked deep into her eyes.

"Does that change things??? About what I asked you the other day??
Does it seem so ridiculous now?
And if we didn't feel the way we do, then it probably would be crazy to get married and raise a family. But that isn't the case here. So........."

He dropped on to one knee , then winced and swapped it for the other one. "Old Football wound. I used to play in university", he chuckled .

"So...Will you Sanyukta Aggarwal, honour me , to be my wife for the rest of my life . Will you give me a chance to become Rimi's dad -to take her responsibility and fulfill all her dreams. I promise to be a loving husband and a best dad to my children.Will you allow me to grow old with you and hold my hand and help me walk.
Will you marry me , and make me the luckiest and happiest person alive????"

"RON-----", was all she could say with the whirl of emotions and eyes full of tears. But her tears held a different feeling this time. A feeling of happiness and satisfaction. Sanyukta knew- that whether she thinks about it for 5 days or 5 seconds,her answer will be the same...

"Ahhhhh... I so love to hear you call me that. But I'm still desperate to hear the answer in your sexy voice"

"Only if you kiss me exactly like you've kissed me before ...", she chuckled with tears still rolling down her cheeks.

"Does it mean a YES...??"

"I.......", he didn't let her complete.

"Oops!!I was almost forgetting it again"


"To say that -  I Love You.... "

"I Love you too, Ron. And Yes.... I will marry you."

He pulled her closer and hugged her tight as if there's no tomorrow.
His stubble was scratching against her cheeks ,where he could still feel her wet tears.

"Sorry.. I haven't shaved ", saying this , he attack her neck and tickled her there. The whole kitchen , which was filled with her  giggles , witnessed their pure and blissful love for each other...


Hey guys,
This was the last part of the story. Hope it was up to your expectations.
Thank you so much all of you for being there through out. It was only because of your love and motivation, that made me write this story till 52 parts. Please vote and comment guys... My Silent readers please yaar ab toh  bolo kuch..

Love you all..

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