Part 2

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While on her way to office, Sanyukta had so many things running in her mind.Being a single mother with a full time job, she needed a perfect nanny who would take care of Rimi as well as the housework . It was five weeks ago ,she had finalised Ishika after interviewing a bunch of  candidates sent by the agency.But, to her disappointment she turned out to be a total contradiction to what she was looking for.
Though she took good care of Rimi,which was obviously the most important thing but around the house she was a total disaster . She had hours to do the housework while Rimi was at school but still every evening Sanyukta would find the house in the worst condition than she had left.

She hurriedly entered the lobby of her office building which 'M & S corporate designs ' shared with 4 other companies. She skidded into the lift and was again lost in her thoughts. She would have replaced Ishika long back if she hadn't got along with Rimi that well. Her chain of thoughts were broken by a familiar voice...

" Hello Sanyukta  , How are you doing today?".
It was her boss ,  Aaryan Malhotra ,the CEO of the 'M& S corporate design'. A tall,lean,loaded and handsome man in his late twenties. He had a charming personality that could make any girl drool over him.

" Oh !! Hello ...I mean Good Morning sir. Sorry ,I was a little lost ,I didn't notice you".

"Is something bothering you? If there's anything I would be glad to help you out."

" Oh no no  Sir, nothing important ..It's just some personal issues regarding my daughter and her nanny ".

" Oh!!! Well first of all I would prefer ,you call me Aaryan instead of Sir. And secondly, I would love to hear it over Dinner tonight".

"Dinner??" Sanyukta blinked her eyes. He had asked her out quite a few times but she had always wriggled out of it making her excuses sound as convincing as possible."Tonight??",she added with a slight wobble in her voice.

"Why not ?" , he chipped with a smile on his face that could make any girl crazy over him.

"Well..., it's a bit difficult, you see, as I told Mr.Mehra that I would be working a couple of hours over time , to help him complete the presentation lined up for this week.", she managed to speak up shrugging her shoulders .

"O..K..A..Y, but you would eat after that . Wouldn't you???" He uttered with his famous smirk.

Hell..she was having a difficult time controlling her hormones .
"I want to be home before Rimisha goes to sleep. I can't break a promise." , she explained.

Aaryan ran his tongue lightly over his lips, lifting an eyebrow and chipped "Very admirable ".

Sanyukta tried to look regretful but wasn't sure if her face was expressive enough. It wasn't that she didn't want to go out with men, but being attracted to Aaryan Malhotra was a mistake... something hormonal .... and everybody knew that hormones can be a pain in the ---

"Lunch then." He interrupted her train of thoughts.
"Lunch??". She echoed and before her brain could shift her in a different gear , her hormones answered for her.
"Lunch would be fine. Shall I book us a table at the nearby Bistro ?".

They were out of the lift now and Krithika, the receptionist , glanced pointedly at her watch.
Sanyukta surprised at herself, and hoping Krithika hadn't overheard anything turned towards Aaryan and said , "Of Course , if you'd prefer  somewhere a little further ."
She slapped herself in mind for blurting what just came out her mouth.

He smiled, " The Bistro would be fine. It's not as if we have anything to hide."

He turned towards the corridor leading to his office ,he glanced over his shoulder and said
"One o clock ....I'll be waiting for you downstairs in the lobby."
Saying this, he entered his cabin. Sanyukta gazed after him . When she realised her mouth was half open and Krithika was staring at her coldly..


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