Part 12

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After discussing for about half n hour , Aaryan was very impressed with Randhir's idea of modifying the classic vintage cars and making it compatible with 21st century design model engines with 6 cylinders .

" Wow, I'm very impressed with your designs", Aaryan chipped raising his brow.

" So, Should I consider the deal as final ???", questioned Randhir.

"Well, it would be  a pleasure working with  'Shekhawat Vintage Motors' ...... But .. , it would be way better working together with the partner who is the only heir of 40% stakes of ' M & S Corporate Designs' ".

"OH come on Aaryan. Please don't start it all over again. We've already discussed it earlier", chipped an irritated Randhir.

"Harsh uncle and  Dad had put in so much hard work to set up this firm . You just can't let it go all in vain."-

"Oh yeah. So much hard work" Randhir said in a sarcastic tone."At the cost of what - His family and my childhood ??? Where was he - when I needed my father ??? " .

"Can't you forgive him and give him a chance ??? After all he hAs done it all for your better future.."

"No ways . And of all the people I expected you to understand  ...coz u know everything and have seen me suffer ".... He continued "Look... , I'm here just as  a  client for business  and nothing else now , shall we continue with the deal ??", Randhir said in an irritated tone.

"Okay ... If thats what you  want" , saying this Aaryan signed the contract documents.

"Congratulation ... The deal is done", chipped Aaryan.

"Congratulations to you too..", Randhir smiled.

"There's one more thing which I want to say Aaryan", Randhir interrupted.
"As long as I work with you here, I don't want anybody in the office to know about the 40% stakes thing".

"Fine. As you wish -", Aaryan replied agreeing to his condition.


"I thought we agreed in one hour  - in the waiting lounge.....",
Sanyukta flinched as a shadow fell on her desk and rolled her eyes. Then composing herself she looked upwards and chipped- "Is it that time already??"

"It's 15 minutes past that time, actually", Randhir replied tapping his watch.

"Well ... Im really busy right now......"

Randhir casted a hawk- eye over her desk and she cursed herself as she didn't have anything  on her desk that would support her words except a nail file .

"You don't look  much busy ,though ." He said picking up the nail file from her desk.

"Looks can be deceiving "- , she replied rudely snatching it away from.

Randhir's anger reached up to its peak .
"Listen to me very carefully Ms Agarwal ". He bent down spreading his hands on her desk . His face was very close to her own ,which sent chills down her spine . He looked straight into her eyes , she could feel his hot breath on her skin as he said.."I'm not a stalker , or a rapist or any other kind of psycho. I honestly had been thinking about pulling  my business into 21 st century designs . So you better get that clear in your sweet little head".

Sanyukta felt guilty on hearing his words. He seemed to have read her mind . She rubbed her hand across her brow and said
" I'm Sorry for my behaviour .Actually , it just tha---", she was cut off by him again.
"Let me take you to lunch and we can speak then"-

Her face must have betrayed her and showed the feeling of uneasiness which was inside her.

"In public.... , if that would make you feel a little more comfortable "he added quickly .

Sanyukta felt her panic was beginning to subside gradually. He wasn't what she was thinking him to be.. He seemed to be harmless and genuine to her now. Besides he was a really very attractive man. Especially in that white shirt , black trousers, the tailored jacket and the stubble look he resembled no less than a Greek god...

'Was there any harm in lunch???', she thought . Any Other women in her place would have been flattered and would have gone head over heels by the lengths he was going.

"Okay then", she finally agreed after thinking a lot . She took a deep breath and said ,"Let's go". She took her bag and headed towards the lift with him.

Hey guys ,
Hope you all are liking the story. In the next few parts you'll get to read Sanyukta would fall madly in love with Randhir.
Keep voting and please guys do leave your comments. Specially the silent readers , your comments motivates me to write further and better .Becoz sometimes I feel that you are bored and it is not worth writing further.

Thank you.

Pre-cap: Sandhir lunch date..

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