Part 25

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Sanyukta couldn't believe what she just heard. He was throwing bombshell after bombshell towards her.
"You never said any of this six years ago", Sanyukta shot back . "You looked relieved when I broke up with you and absolved you of all the responsibility when it came to our unborn child. You didn't argue about it. And now after six years you walk into my house unannounced and -------"

"Oh Please Sanyukta ,don't be dramatic."

"Me??? Dramatic??. Yeah Right ."

"Listen, you can't absolve me from my responsibility when it comes to Rimi. No one can. I'm her father. It's as straightforward as that."

"Why now??? After all these years. Why haven't you come to Delhi before."

There was a different expression on his face this time. " I have...., actually quite a few times. There was no point telling you as I didn't want Rimi to get confused."

"Can I ask you something????", he chipped after a moment of silence.

"What ???"

"Are you in a relationship with someone right now???"

"What has it got to do with anything????"

"Of course , I has got to do a lot ...specially with Rimi."

"Rimi really likes Randhir and -----", she was cut off

"Oh --so his name is Randhir. How long have you been dating Randhir "

"A few weeks..why???"

"Are you serious about Randhir. Are two planning to get married???"

"No. I mean it's just a few weeks . It's too early ..."

"But you introduced him to Rimi???"

"Yes ,but......", Sanyukta felt as if Rehan had her trapped. " It's complicated."

"Oh I see" , he chipped

"Rehan ..... I need time to think about it. So it's better you leave ".

"Fine.... ", he scribbled his email id and mobile number on a paper and handed it to her. "Give me a call once your done thinking over it."

"Bye ", he took his belongings from the table and walked towards the front door.

She slammed the door as soon as he walked out of it.She couldn't tell what she exactly felt at that moment....Angry... Depressed.... Shocked ....or may be a mixture of all. A pool of tears were blurring her vision , waiting to be stormed out .Why can't she just be happy.

Sanyukta didn't had a moment of peace since Rehan left yesterday. There had been one thing after another , which kept her busy. Rimi and Ishika coming home..... The dinner with Randhir. She didn't tell him anything as she wanted to think over it first . Though he kept on asking her if she's okay looking at her pale face .
It was 4am in the morning, she hadn't slept the whole night thinking .She was now all alone thinking . There was no running away. She had no choice but to face what was going on.
For so many reasons, she was tired--tired of rebelling, tired of struggling .
She doesn't feel anything for Rehan even after hearing him confess that he loved her. What about Randhir??? What would she say to him?? What does she feel for him??Does he feel the same way for her???

But she had to make things run smoothly for Rimi. What was she supposed to do???How was she going to deal with this ????


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