Part 48

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"The best thing here would be time and space", Rehan declared abruptly.
"What if Ishika stays at my place this weekend, to give you a chance to think about it?"

"Thats a good idea", Sanyukta said after thinking for a while.

"Alright , I'll get my bag then..", Ishika went up upstairs leaving them alone in the living room.

There was a long awkward silence prevailing between them.
Sanyukta chewed her lip. He was right when he said that she hadn't made the effort to get to know him. It didn't mean that she would have felt differently about him, if she had... But it would have made their relation a little less bumpy.

"Ummm.... I want you to know ", Rehan chipped ," that whatever you may think, I did -- I still do - want to be a good father to Rimi....."

Sanyukta nodded as graciously as possible and chipped,"And whatever you may think, I'm not going to cut you off from her life because of all this.
It's just......., I wasn't expecting anything such..., this has all been sprung on me. There are so many things going on in my head at the moment."

"I understand ..." Rehan chipped ,
"We can discuss Ishika's position next week. She cares about Rimi . None of this had been easy for her. I can bet, even now, she's going through hell. The last thing she wanted to do was leave you alone in the mid-way. We all know how much you rely on her."

"I'll be fine.You don't have to worry about me", Sanyukta's Pride couldn't help rearing its head again.

"But I'm within my rights worrying about my daughter.", Rehan chipped.

"I suppose", she replied not wanting to elaborate that point.

"And whatever happens", Rehan said,
"I've come to terms with the fact that ,although she might call me Dad, she'll never truly mean it.."
"You can allow me my jealousy , can't you???", Rehan asked, his voice remaining low ,so that no one could hear , unless they had their ears pressed to the door.

"Your jealousy????", Sanyukta frowned.

"If she loves someone else as a father more than she loves me."

Sanyukta didn't know how to respond to that.
"OH", she sniffed as Randhir filled her thoughts. She had been trying to fend him off. But now , she had to give in. He was too much a part of this. It had taken her so long to understand that -there was more than one bond linking a parent and child.
Rimi would always be polite to Rehan. Perhaps , there might even be a spark of affection when she would grow up, but for now.....

"But however, I feel...", Rehan continued , "It would be totally unfair of me to restrict you or Rimi in finding your own opportunity of happiness ."

'Fat chance of that', Sanyukta said to herself in mind , following him into the hall as Ishika came downstairs with her bag.

Rimi saw Ishika with a bag from her room. She came running, down the stairs and clung to her nanny's legs.
"Please don't go", she cried out loud pleading her. Her tears were springing on her cheeks. Then she swung around to her mother saying, " I don't want her to leave "

"It's only for the weekend ,sweetheart",
Sanyukta said after a short pause, trying to sound reassuring as she crouched down in front of Rimi and wiped her tears with the her thumb pad.
"She will be here to take you to school on Monday like always."
And coming to the only decision that would save further headache , she looked over her daughter's head at Ishika and nodded.

Just as the weather forecast had predicted,the temperature had fallen to 12 degree Celsius ,as the sun had set. Sanyukta sat on her bed , muffled in an old T-shirt and pyjama, staring outside through the open curtains. There was hardly anything visible outside as it was too foggy.
A part of her was still overwhelmed by what had happened.The anger which she had felt earlier- unjustifiably , had now been replaced by relief.

'Who would blame the poor bastard?', she said to herself , drawing her knees close to her chest and wrapping her arms around her legs.
'He was reasonably right in choosing a hot, beautiful, free spirited and affectionate woman over a cold, moody, short tempered ,uninteresting and lifeless woman like me.'

She snuggled under the blanket to try to get some sleep. But,as she had been dreading, it evaded her. The seconds strung themselves to become minutes and minutes strung themselves together to become hours...
Groaning,she turned on to her front and buried her head under the pillow. A moment later, worrying that she might squash the baby, even though it was still in an unsquashable state floating in its sac, she curled up on her side.

Eventually , unable to tolerate her sleeplessness , she sat up in bed. She threw off her blanket ,slipped her feet in her flippers and went out of her room. As she passed by Rimi's room, she could hear the little girl snoring softly.She went downstairs to the kitchen, made herself a cup of green tea and went to the living room to switch on the TV. There was nothing worth watching , but it was better than the oppressive silence of her bedroom.

It was 5:30, when she looked at the clock again. Her neck was stiff. She had a strong urge to have a hot bath but she wasn't sure if she could go for it considering the cold temperature and besides she didn't want to wake up Rimi, whose room was next to the bathroom.
After having managed it,an hour later, she dried herself and got dressed in her day clothes: a polo neck t-shirt and dark jeans as it was a Saturday. She went downstairs and made some breakfast for herself and Rimi.

As her eyes landed on the flight of stairs that led to Ishika's penthouse, she realised how much of a friend she had become to her.
Strangely,as a result of what had happened yesterday , she could now see the vast emptiness in her life which hadn't existed before she had met Randhir although,she was all alone. Back then she had not been exactly happy, but definitely not unhappy.

"Damn him", she hissed, then repenting she spread a hand over her tummy."OH , he's okay.Really ...", she added gently "When you get to know him......."


Hey my lovely readers,
I'm so happy to announce that my story has received 8k+ views and 1k + votes. I know's not a big thing for many of you but a great achievement for a beginner like me. It's only because of your love and votes that I've achieved this.
Thank you so much guys .Thanks to wattpad, I found so many friends like you all....eSpecially Ridhi, Shivani , rhythem _ , sanyugaur , RemyaAk ..... ( I'm sorry if I'm forgetting somebody ) ...Who never fail to comment on each and every part of my story.

Thank you so much all my readers( even the silent ones) ,for reading this story and giving it a chance ,ignoring all my mistake. It's only because of you all I'm here...

Thank you once again guys...
Love you all.

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