Part 10

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Sanyukta's PoV :
Randhir's physical presence was arresting my senses.He looked more hot and sizzling in his black polo shirt and khaki pants , than ,when I met him for the first time. My eyes fell on the upper two buttons of his shirt which were open and gave a clear view of his broad clean shaven chest. His hair were messy just like I had seen last time .

I somehow composed myself and chipped a lie trying to escape,
"No thank you, I've already got an instructor".

"OH Really???? But I don't see any other instructor here", he chipped looking around .

'Oh crap.. I'm so lame at lying ..' I said to myself in mind after being caught by him.

"Well...umm....actually to be frank ,I just came here to practice for my company's cricket match , which is going to be held in three weeks from now.", I confessed

"Oh I see ...... Which company you work for???", he interrogated.

"I work for M & S Corporate Designs ", I answered .

" M & S Corporate Designs ?????", he crocked up his brow .

"Yeah, it's a design consultancy ----" ,I was cut off by him.

"Yes, I know...", he chipped and went in a deep thought for a while.

"Anyways incase, you change your mind- here is my card", pulling out a card from his back pocket, he handed it over to me.

" Shekhawat Vintage Motors???", I chipped in a confused tone.

"OH Sorry , wrong one", he pulled out another card swapped it with the previous one.

' That means he juggles between two professions ', I wondered....

End of PoV
After driving for about half n hour, Randhir turned his car on a beautiful road which had trees on both sides.
He took a sharp left and parked his car inside the gate of his huge mansion.
A familiar face appeared at the downstairs window . Someone looked pleased to see him. As soon as he opened the door she jumped on him ..

"Down Poggy"

A tongue dragged itself roughly over his jaw.

"Hungry???"...he chipped looking at her.
" Sorry -I'm later than usual. Well actually ---it's all because of a women ".

He pulled out a pedigree chum from the cupboard and scooped out the contents of the pack in Poggy's bowl.

He switched on the kettle to make a coffee for himself and continued ..

"Well...,The thing is --- I don't know , what it is about Sanyukta Agarwal exactly."
" She's like an innocent flower ... but sometimes her words are like thorn", he chuckled.

"Sanyukta is only in her mid twenties , I guess, but she's a mother of a five year old daughter." What is in her .. That's pulling me so much towards her. She's not the usual type of girl , I went on dates in the past. None of them had kids.. this makes Sanyukta unusual ."

He looked at Poggy, who was busy slurping his food and continued "what do u think???? Would it be awkward having a child in the equation."

"Most of the girls considered me charming, of course if I wanted them to ....But , would charm alone work on Sanyukta."

Then something struck him all of sudden and made him grin devilishly........


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