Part 14- Bitter memories of past.

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Later that night Sanyukta was tossing and turning in her bed. The flashes of the afternoon scene was running in her mind .She hadn't let any man come this close to her in these 6 years , not even Aaryan. Then what happened today??
Why didn't she get angry on Randhir for crossing the line . Why didn't she shout at him ???Why was his touch so soothing...

As she stared at the ceiling, the bitter memories of her past came out like skeletons on a ghost train ride.

As  a child she never got the attention of her parents. Their attention was totally captured by her sister Sanaya.
She was a topper in academics as well as sports, where as Sanyukta was just an average girl.

"Sanyukta !!!why don't you try and be like your  sister and make us proud.", used to be her mothers words all the time.
She tried her best but she was never as good as Sanaya..Her parents used to be extra partial and inclined towards Sanaya.

At the age of 19 ,she got into a relationship with Rehan Bajaj, the guy who had bleached hair,tattoos all over his body and pierced ears . The kind of guy , any parent would freak out seeing their daughter with.
She was never in love with him.She knew that she would never be happy
with him.She got in a relationship with him just to get back at her parents and seek their attention. just back-fired her, when she saw the positive red line on her pregnancy test stick.

Getting pregnant was never in her plan. In fact getting  physical with Rehan was the last thing she would do on earth... It all happened at the farewell party in her college, where she got drunk and ended up sleeping with him.

ARGUMENTS...RECRIMINATIONS...TIRADES.....and she was finally out of her parents house .She left her hometown and came to Delhi where her grandparents had a property and settled there with her grandmother. She died when Rimi was 3 years old. And her life had been even more difficult for her since then.

A  lone tear escaped her eye . Coming out of her thoughts , she quickly wiped her tear and turned to the other side to catch some sleep as she didn't want to be late for work...

The next morning Sanyukta woke up a little earlier than her usual time. She went to Rimi's room to wake her up for school. She took a quick shower and went downstairs to make breakfast for them. She then scooted back to her room to get dressed for office. She took a good 15 minutes to get ready.

Ishika had been observing Sanyukta since morning as she was behaving very differently. She tried to conceal her amusement as Sanyukta stood fussing in front of the hall mirror.

"Do you think my hair looks better up or down"???

"Up" - said Rimi

" Down " - said Ishika

Sanyukta looked at them, confused..
"Mummy , you look good when you tie your hair up like you usually do".

"But don't you think it would make a change if she wore it loose".- Ishika pointed out gently.

"No" Sanyukta chipped and then shook her head as if in some deep thought.
"Rimi-----", she uttered ,then composing herself ,she added "is right".
"Besides -- it ends up all over the place , when it's loose"...

Ishika wasn't sure whether she was talking about her hair or something else.. She kept looking at her retreating figure as she went out after kissing her daughter's forehead and chipping a 'goodbye' .

Hey guys,
Here is the next part . I know its a bit boring and emotional . But it was needed to portray Sanyukta's character more clearly.
Thank you.

Pre cap: Jealousy.

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