Part 39

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"I'm sorry...", she said. "I'm being stupid".

"Hey-",he held on to her as she tried to pull away."let me be the judge of that- I don't blame you  for breaking down like this. Anybody in your place would feel the same, if they had their loved ones lying in the hospital ... It's not a sign of weakness or anything like that "

"But I have been stupid. Pretending I can cope. Doing everything for Rimi's sake without thinking what was actually best for her---"

Randhir wasn't sure if she'd been referring to Rehan ,with regards to Rimi or her job at M & S .

"Sanyukta ---Slow down", he said as she was gulping for air. If she wouldn't be careful she would hyperventilate.
He pulled her apart, and held her shoulders tightly.
"Listen to me. You are an amazing mother, but your not perfect because nobody can ever be. Realising your mistakes, rectifying them, that's what sets you apart- , that's what will make you as close to perfect as you can get .

She nodded slowly and then without warning , she launched herself at him,snuggling up to his chest, where she could probably hear his heart galloping. She was still crying,although she was becoming calmer. One of her hand had slipped beneath his T-shirt and rested on his stomach.

"I'm sorry....", she sniffed again, looking into his eyes.

"What for???", he managed to utter between his abnormal breathing. He felt as if his hall had turned into a sauna.

She didn't answer. Instead her lips came in close proximity with his own, her breath sweet and inviting. Her signals of what she wanted him to do next was all over the place and couldn't be misread. And analysing , the reason behind it wasn't Randhir's first instinct .He couldn't hold on any longer..Kissing her had become his priority .


Hey there my lovely readers ...How are you all doing??
Here is the next part ...I know it's too short , but I had to. The next part is going to be an intense one. I've never written anything such but it's required .
One more thing guys ...I don't want my story to be tagged with mature content by watt pad . Since  I use the app , I'm not able to privatise the next part.. So can anyone help me out with this issue???

Thank you and love you all...

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