Part 50

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After a while,Sanyukta felt warm enough to remove her jacket. She draped it over the back of a chair. Her nose was still running annoyingly . Perhaps she was coming down with something.

Randhir returned to the kitchen,
"Rimi's fine", he smiled answering her unspoken question.
"Poggy won't leave her alone, but she has managed to finish her cup of soup."

"It was more like a bowl of soup", Sanyukta chuckled." You were a little generous with the water and your cups are huge."

"Well, here - have yours.I don't want you coming down with pneumonia."
"And moreover, " , he added." it was too dangerous driving in this weather ."

"I know .. ", she nodded.
"Ummm...Err ....Well , while you went to give Rimi her soup, I noticed that..", she pointed to a sheet of paper on the table.

"Oh that... It's just an estimation. I haven't got any work done yet."

"It's outrageous..."

"It's the most reasonable quotation I had, actually. The whole house needs a total renovation including the plumbing, painting, Smart TVs , Home Theatre, Beds, wardrobes A/C's and heaters in every room...."


"It had to be done sooner or later, so it might as well be now. I would not expect you to..........well, I would not blame you if you refuse to let me have the kid stay over with the place in this state."

"No", she chipped, "I suppose not".
Sanyukta stared down at her soup. An odd thing to drink at this time in the morning, but it hit the right note.

"And while I'm at it, I'm going to have a new bathroom suite made , with a shower enclosure and a jacuzzi ", he declared.

Her eyes shot up."Where's all money coming from?? I mean you haven't joined the M & S ,as the Managing Director yet??"

"My Dad....", Randhir chuckled.

"But--", he didn't let her complete.

"As soon as Dad came to know about my decision of accepting the ownership of the company's 40% stakes, through Aaryan, he called me up.He came here to meet me . We've kinda sorted out our differences to a great extent. We can't bring back the time we've lost ,but we can still try and change things in future. And when he asked me the reason behind my decision----"

"No!!, Don't tell me that you've told him-----"

"that it looks as though he's going to be a Grandpa?? I'm afraid I have...
My mother, my brother and his wife knows it too"

"How did they react??", she couldn't help asking.

"Naturally they were surprised at first.
Mom took time to let that sink in. Parth and Tanya were very supportive in this matter."

Sanyukta would have preferred it, if he waited a few more weeks.But that side of things with own family was upto him. She hadn't even told him about Rehan and Ishika yet. The peculiar thing was he didn't seem to find her uninvited presence too unusual.
He hadn't asked her ,why exactly she was there.

Randhir continued,"I want to thank this baby for making me realise my responsibilities as a father,which in turn made me realise that my dad wasn't completely wrong  , if he wanted to make it big in business world, to secure my future. Yes , he had made mistakes by ignoring me but ultimately he was doing it for me...
He was really happy and excited to hear about the baby.
He insisted me to let him do the renovation before the baby arrives and I couldn't deny that- considering his enthusiasm .."

"You can still pay him back, once you join the company."

"Yes, of course I will ... if he'd let me",he said with a smile. She too smiled back .There was a silence between them for a few seconds.

"I'm glad," Sanyukta began tentatively ,
"that we are not enemies. I couldn't bear it , if you hated me."

"Hated you???", Randhir chuckled. There was a funny look on his face.

"After the other day.... You had every right to be angry because what you did and what you said was-- sweet . The way I reacted was wrong. I was rude and ungrateful.... A lot of men wouldn't be willing to go as far as you did to live up to their responsibilities. But we shouldn't.......", she paused and gulped hard ." We shouldn't rush into making such a huge commitment, just for the sake of the baby..."

"OH.... I see that now", Randhir chipped as if putting two and two together and continued looking at the floor.
"Well..... I assumed you wanted 'rescuing' in some heroic fashion and I took that to extreme. Marriage is always a gamble. It's never  a one hundred percent guarantee that it will work. And by getting together for all the wrong reasons, we might end up resenting each other and that  may not be fair to either of us or the kids.... I'll always be your friend Sanyukta.I've told you that before.", he looked up to see her reaction which was blank.

Randhir smirked ,which she failed to notice. He continued," I admit , I was really angry after you rejected my proposal. But now, I understand where you were coming from.. It's much easier to digest that."

Sanyukta nodded and drank whatever was left from the cup. All of a sudden, she felt as if she was going to cry. She blinked, keeping her head low.

Hey everybody,
This story has almost reached its end.. The next chapter would be the last or second last.., again depending upon my words .:-) Thank you so much, guys for being there with me and appreciating my work. It's only because of your motivation, that I have reached the 50th chapter of this book.
Seriously,I never thought I would come this far with the story.

Thank you guys.. Love you all

--- Farah---

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