Part 16

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Randhir's PoV:
My lunch with Sanyukta yesterday, was going on pretty well.. She seemed relaxed and comfortable once we started talking. Suddenly she said ..she wanted to leave as she wanted to go shopping before getting back to work .....I felt there was  something else which was bothering her.
Once we were out , she smiled chipping a thank you . It was the first time I saw her smile though not a complete one.
She looked so beautiful , so innocent , so pure... I felt a sudden urge to kiss her . I tried hard to control myself but I couldn't and  ended up brushing my lips on her cheek. I didn't want to see her reaction so I left her chipping a 'good bye' and walked off  as quickly as possible not looking back even for a second.
I know I screwed it up...I didn't mean to scare her . I tried to apologise but ....
Fine ... If she wants it to be professional, let it be professional . I will not bother her again.

End of PoV


As Sanyukta was heading back to her desk after her encounter with Randhir , she walked past Krithika and her gang
who were apparently waiting for her .

"Hey Gals, look whose here". - Krithika said loudly looking at her . Sanyukta just ignored her as she was already upset and didn't want to pick up a fight.She kept on walking without looking towards them...But Krithika was not in a mood to spare her this time.

"Sanyukta , we need your help ..Could you please give us a few tips on how to get the boss's total attention???????"...

Sanyukta was already upset and Krithika was triggering her ...

"Well... sure, why not?? " she replied sarcastically ."For that you need to be focused on your work rather than roaming around gossiping about others . So, my advice to you is --the amount of time and energy you spend on spying others if you spend it doing your work ... The Boss would surely come to know that you have a brain too" , she gave her a death glare before she walked away. This whole scenario was witnessed by Randhir.

Hey guys ... Thank you so much for all the love . Do keep voting and leave your valuable feedback as well. It means so much to me. It feels like I've achieved something for all the hard work and thinking.
I'll try to upload another part in the evening .. Till then HAPPY READING.

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