Part 45 - The Bad Proposal

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Sanyukta couldn't trust her knees which felt like jelly. She stood up automatically and managed to remain upright. Randhir jiggled the box and the bouquet in one hand ,freeing the other . He took her hand in his and held it firmly.

"I'm actually quite busy", she said faintly.

"Aaryan gave me the all clear to harass you.He had gone out to lunch, so we've got the run of his office.", he smirked and pulled her along towards Aaryan's cabin.

'OH CRAP', she cursed .

People were staring . As they passed through the reception, Krithika's eyes threw daggers.

Sanyukta felt a hot flush as Randhir opened Aaryan's door, steered her inside and shut it again behind them.

"I suppose you were beginning to think that you would never see me again "

Sanyukta didn't reply.. She was nervously playing with her fingers.

"Last Saturday ", Randhir continued,
"when you told me, it was a shock..... But now....I had time to take that in..."

He rested the bouquet on Aaryan's desk and chipped looking at it ,
"I thought I'd break away from the conventional red roses."

"Thank you", Sanyukta said wondering why he hadn't handed it to her.
He handed her the Happy Meal Box.

"Go on", he urged."Open it.."

She didn't expect to find a burger and fries inside, but it was a surprise to discover a small cute beanie puppy inside.

"For Rimi", Randhir went on breathlessly, "You get a toy free with the meal ".

"Yes .. I know", Sanyukta rummaged further into the box and pulled out a baby's denim cap with a teddy bear on the front.

"And that's for......",he pointed sheepishly at her stomach.
"It's unisex... I was going to get some booties, but I spotted the cap first."

Something was still rattling inside the box. Sanyukta reached in and fished out a much smaller box.The ones which are usually in jewellery shops,designed for rings.

Sanyukta's eyes grew wide.. She felt her breath hitched at the sight. Her heart started pounding faster as if performing some sort of acrobatics. She felt her pulse was racing. She couldn't believe that - it's actually happening...
She opened the box with shaky hands and found there was--------------- nothing inside.

"OH",she chipped as her heart froze in mid-leap.

"I walked up and down the mall ,to all the jewellery shops for an hour", he admitted ." But there was too much of choice.. I knew I'd mess it up and get you something which you would hate....
So I called up Aaryan and asked him, if he could give you the afternoon off "

"OH", she said it the second time. Her knees were beginning to tremble again.

" If you like, we can go together after lunch and you can pick something out yourself "

"Are you saying.....?", Sanyukta asked rubbing her brow.

"Well technically--I'm not 'saying'
rather, I'm 'asking' .
If you want to marry me....", he rubbed his own brow this time.
"So how about it... Do you want to or not???"

Lolzzz ..
Randhir and his so unromantic proposal.... What do you think would be her answer...??? Will she say YES....

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