Part 13

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Neither of them spoke while in the lift. There was a long silence prevailing between them.
" There's a Bistro nearby, it's got authentic food , I'm sure you'll love it" , Randhir spoke thus breaking the silence.

"That place isn't my type .There's a Cafe nearby"

"Fine by me" , Randhir smiled.

She led the way along a narrow lane , then down some steps into the basement of the same building .
"They have great barbecue menu", she recommended , as they stood near the counter to place the order. " Grilled Tofu with barbecue sauce is the best ".

Randhir pulled out his wallet , "This is on me, OK",

"Okay, if you insist ". She went off to find a place to sit.

A short while later, they faced each other across a ridiculously small round table.Sanyukta tried her best to make sure that their knees did not touch.

You still think I'm a despo , don't you?", he asked after observing her .

'Hell, how does he manage to read  my mind most of the time'- she said to herself in mind.

"I'm not sure what I think", she replied.

"You never called me for the cricket lessons"-

"Yes, actually ", she paused for a while and chipped "I've decided cricket is not for me". She hesitated for a second and added "I won't be playing on the day of the match."

"Well....I was looking forward to teach you", he chipped

"Good then, I saved you the bother"

"I would have done it for free",he looked deeply in her hazel eyes and said it with sincerity. His gaze had a magic spell that made Sanyukta forget everything around her. She was lost in his jet black orbs .They shared an eye lock for a minute.Their trance was broken by the waiter who came up with the order.
There was an awkward silence between them for a while as they started eating their food.

"By the way, you didn't say anything to Aaryan about seeing me at the sports club , did you????"

"No .... Don't worry your secret is safe with me".- he chipped and smiled at her.

"And by the way , My brother came to his senses and went ahead with the wedding last week."

"Oh .... Good for him. How was the wedding???"

"Fine , It was fun for one and all but too much of show off"....,

Sanyukta looked blank.
He paused for a while and continued, "Its just that I hate the high class -big fat weddings , Where people spend senselessly over unnecessary things which otherwise if given to a poor and needy person would make so much of a difference ."

His words touched Sanyukta's heart . She never thought him to be this sensitive. Is he the same guy who spoke about her Class on their very first meeting thinking her to be Ishika???

"In your line of business, the cars not the cricket----" , she was cut off by him before she completed.

"I just love my old motors, they used to belong to my grandfather. It was his favourite possession. There was a time in his life when he had lost everything he had ,due to financial crisis. His mansion and his cars were the only things that were left . I was 18 at the time of his death and since then I moved in and I'm taking care of his possessions", he smiled.

Sanyukta smiled back realising the fact that Randhir was a total opposite to what she thought him to be initially..She was feeling guilty for her wrongful assumptions. He was a sober, decent, genuine and sensitive guy.And yeah , not forget a very attractive handsome guy.

She was busy in her thoughts when her eyes fell on Krithika and her gang. They had been staring in her direction , gossiping among themselves and as soon as she spotted them, they looked away. It was obvious that they had followed her. Sanyukta suddenly wanted to go back to her desk.

"Well, would you mind if we leave now??. Actually I have to do some shopping before I get back to office"-

On hearing this, he looked at her for a long moment and chipped , "Sure".
Sanyukta led the way out avoiding even looking at Krithika and her gang.
Once they were out she turned towards Randhir and gave him a half smile,
" Thanks for the Lunch. Sorry I had to cut it short ".

"You didn't eat much of it"- he chipped

" I wasn't much hungry "- she replied.

There was an awkward silence between them again making them shuffle in their  places.
" Do you want help with the shopping bags???"he asked.

"Oh ....not really ", she replied . She would have to think of something to buy then.
" Just a few girly things , nothing heavy" .., and before she could realise it , he leaned down and brushed his lips on her cheeks urgently and chipped ,
"Bye, see you soon". He turned his heels and walked away from her not giving her a chance to react.

Sanyukta stood there rooted at her place with her jaw dropped open and heart thumping madly.


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