Part 23

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Weeks rolled on Sanyukta couldn't remember being this happy ever. She was really missing Randhir in office as well. She cursed herself for the days when she gave him the cold 'Professional' treatment .
It was a Friday , the next two days would be an off so she took a half-day leave from Aaryan for a long weekend.
Ten minutes later she found herself seated in a cab. She pulled out her phone from her bag  and dialled a number which was now stored in her memory. It got answered after three rings.

"Hey sweetie , what's up"--

"Hi Ron, I got out early today. How about meeting at the coffee shop at 4 instead of 8 ??We can have dinner ---"

"I'll be there."

Neither of them wanted to hang up. They went on talking; ridiculous , considering they were going to see each other in less than 3 hours. By the time she pressed the call end button, she was already in front of her house.

"Mummy are we going to Randhir uncle's place this Sunday ??"
Sanyukta looked up from the mirror, where she was applying her makeup.

"Yes darling. Why ?? You still want to go , don't you??"- Sanyukta enquired .

The little girl nodded. "I want to play with Poggy and TUFAAN "

"And you like Randhir uncle too. Don't you????"

"Yes . He's funny. I really like him ".

Sanyukta had a hint of it . Since spending the last Sunday afternoon at Randhir's place Rimi had been more giggly and bouncy and .....childlike .But she still wanted to confirm .

"Mummy", she went on "Its been nice having you home when I get back from school"

"I know it is... But I have to go back to the same routine on Monday"

"Can't you stay off longer??"

"No darling ..I can't or I won't be having any days left to take a leave during Diwali."
Rimi folded her hands over her chest and pouted. Sanyukta kept the makeup mirror down ." How about if I try to get home earlier every night??"

"You always say that but you never come early ", Rimi said twisting her nose.
Sanyukta thought for a while staring at the stain on the carpet. She looked at her watch. There was still time. But would Randhir agree??
"Rimi ", she said , "why don't you go and see what Ishika is doing? I've got to make a quick call. Please darling, it's important".
As soon as Rimi walked out of the room, Sanyukta picked up the phone from the side table .
"R-on", she began tentatively , once he answered ,"I know you've probably got a perfect romantic evening planned, but ...there's a new Disney film that's just started showing at the INOX...."

The next day being a Saturday , Sanyukta and Rimi were on their way home from Rimi's dance class. As soon as she reached her house , she noticed a car parked in front of her gate. It was a brand new metallic maroon Mercedes. .
'Whose is it'-- Sanyukta thought.

"Is Randhir Uncle here Mummy??asked Rimi excitedly. "He was talking about getting a new car"
Rimi started skipping and circling the shiny maroon car.

Just then she saw Ishika running towards them through the garden path. She looked at Rimi who was still jumping around the car and then hurried towards Sanyukta .

"He's here ", she said urgently keeping her voice low."I've been out for jogging and when I came back , he was here at the door step"..


"So , may be I should take Rimi out for lunch somewhere while you talk"


"He said you weren't expecting him"

"Not this morning",said Sanyukta ."We were supposed to be having dinner together later this evening".

Ishika looked puzzled and then realisation dawned.

"Not Randhir .... It's not Randhir who's here".

Sanyukta wrinkled her brow,
"Then who...?????"

"It's REHAN", Ishika muttered



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