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Five years later at Shekhawat Mansion:

The morning sun rays pierced through the window of their bedroom and fell on the two lovebirds who were sleeping peacefully in each other's embrace , after their last night's  vigorous love making session.
Sanyukta was the first one to open her eyes. A sweet smile crept on her lips  as she saw her husband sleeping like a baby with an open mouth. She pecked his cheek lovingly and closed his mouth.

"Ummmm ",he stirred a bit and hugged her even tighter. He nuzzled her and hid  his face in the crook of her neck.

"Ron..... , let me go, its 8'o'clock in the morning, your kids might have woken up by now."

"Nnnoo...", he said in his sleepy voice, his eyes still closed. " Kajal masi will take care of them and it's Sunday .So don't you dare move and let me sleep as well.."

Kajal masi was their new nanny and care taker ,who started living with them since Ishika left her job and got married to Rehan , three years ago. She was an elderly woman in her mid forties ,who  was very efficient with the house work and took good care of the children while Sanyukta and Randhir were at office.

"Ron.... Please honey, it's Diwali  today and I've got to see to the decorations and arrangements for the party as well".

"O.k.a.y... ",he smirked mischievously, while his eyes were still closed.
"Only if I get my early morning treat with my Diwali gift as a bonus"

"Ron!!!! You've been celebrating since last night and I think you've already got enough of your bonus Diwali gifts "

"But I can never get enough of playing grown- up games with my hot and sexy wife".

"Stop it , Ron!!!", Sanyukta blushed hard listening to it and before she could even realise , she was pinned on the bed with him on the top.He smashed his lips with hers and kissed her passionately while his hands were caressing the sides of her bare frame under the duvet. He left her lips and trailed his kisses down her neck to her bare shoulders. As soon as ,his lips trailed downwards , they heard someone knocking the door .

"Mummy!!!...... Mummy, please open the door" , 5 year old - Ranveer Singh Shekhawat was banging the door.

"Huh... Your bodyguard is here for your rescue", Randhir chipped irritatedly. Sanyukta chuckled , hitting his arm playfully . She wrapped herself in the duvet and rushed towards the bathroom. Randhir quickly wore his clothes which were lying on the floor and went towards the door to open it.

"What is it Veer ??? What's making you shout like this??"

"Dad... where's mummy??", little Veer chipped peeping his head inside the room.

"Your mummy has gone to take a shower, what's the matter??"

"I'd better tell that to mummy, because you always take Rimi Di's side".

Randhir had officially adopted Rimi and now she was  a Shekhawat too. She was his Angel and he loved her more than his own son.

Just then Rimi came marching towards them ,"Veer , you better give the remote back to me or else I won't spare you"

"No I won't ", the little boy chipped and they both started hitting each other .

"Whoa .. Easy kids... ", Randhir chipped pulling them apart.
"Rimi, sweetheart ,would  you please tell me what's the matter?"

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