Part 17

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Weeks rolled on , Randhir didn't interact much with her and spoke only if it was related to business . He was just being PROFESSIONAL . He tried his best not to let her enter into his system but ended up stealing glances at her every now and then.

Where as Sanyukta tried her best not to let Randhir's physical presence effect her in anyway. But despite all her efforts she failed miserably . She hated to admit it but she would boil in anger whenever she heard Krithika or any girl talk about Randhir's hot looks.

Krithika never missed a chance to flirt Or seduce Randhir by flaunting her big bosoms and revealing her cleavage before entering his cabin.

There was only a day left for this collaboration contract to complete and then after that she would never get to see him. This very thought made her heart sink .

She was engrossed in her thoughts when the phone on her desk started to ring.

"Hello"..., she answered half heartedly.

"Come into my cabin"- came the voice from the other end.

"Sure , I'll be there in a minute".


" Yes  sir???", she chipped after entering his cabin.

"Ms Aggarwal... , As you are well aware of the fact that tomorrow will be the last day of me in this office as your boss , I would like to thank you for all help and assistance I've got from you in the last three months".

His overly professional talks were eating her up on the inside. She couldn't take his professional behaviour any more . It irritated her like hell when she knew he was very friendly with the other employees..
She was already on the verge of crying.
She wanted to shout and yell at him to stop it , but she couldn't.

"Umm well, I was just doing my duty",
She smiled .

Her smile gave him the confidence of saying what he had actually called her for.

"Errr, Miss Aggarwal ... Please don't get me wrong .. But there is a party at my place on the success of this business collaboration, therefore I would like to invite you for it.. I don't know whether we would be meeting after that .So, Would you like to come???, it's okay if you ----", she didn't let him complete and said

"May be I will"..

Randhir couldn't believe what he just heard. He was happy that finally they were speaking to each other normally.

"Fine , I'll give you the address. It's not far from your house." He said with a genuine smile that reached up to his eyes.

"I'll have to check if Ishika can Babysit as its a weekend".

"It would be a pleasure to have you there"...he meant every word he said.

Randhir stared out of his kitchen window. The party was going on well - except for one thing. He sighed looking at his watch. She wasn't going to come.
'May be I will' was actually ' May be I won't ". He should have known - She was just being polite and was not going to come .

" There you are ....".
A male voice made him turn with a jolt.
"Aaryan ....Hi".
"Just fetching more wine. What are you doing here all alone??"- he asked with concern .
"Even I came here to fetch some more wine for myself".He poured a glass of red wine for both of them .

Just then he heard the doorbell ring. "Excuse me", he muttered and hurried towards the main door.

As he opened the door, there on a step he saw Sanyukta clad in a one piece blue turquoise gown,holding few bottles of lemonade. She looked nothing but an epitome of beauty. His heart skipped a beat at the sight. She had tied her hair up in a bun with few strands which were curled up .

"Hi", she chipped with a smile."Sorry, I'm too late. You probably thought I won't be coming."

"Well, actu------", his words were cut off by Aaryan's voice..

"Hey Sanyukta ... I didn't expect that you would come ", chipped Aaryan in an excited tone.

"Hi Aaryan", chipped an equally excited Sanyukta .

Aaryan came forward and gave her a friendly hug. Randhir's smile dropped from his face and was replaced by anger, jealousy and insecurity.

"I know am very late", she replied.

"What would you like to drink", Aaryan asked .

'Huh, whose the host here ',Randhir said to himself frowning .

"Well, I don't drink. Just a glass of lemonade will do"..

"Randhir, Please pour the lady, a glass of a glass of lemonade".. Aaryan chipped.

"Yeah sure", Randhir turned to go towards the kitchen when he heard Aaryan saying..

"Till he comes back with your lemonade, let me show you the mansion... This way please...."

' what the hell??? Whose mansion is it ?? Why is Aaryan behaving this way?? What is he playing at?? He hadn't been possessive about Sanyukta in these last three months? Why the sudden change?? Was it because they were out of office??' Randhir said to himself in mind .


Here is the nxt part .. Please vote and comment. Do let me know whether you like it or you don't like anything. Any kind of criticism is welcome.
Thank you.

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