Part 24 - The Encounter With Past

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As Sanyukta entered the main door of her house she found a man sitting with his back facing towards the entrance. She stood there for a few seconds , gathering courage to face him . She then slowly moved her steps in his direction. She saw a cup of tea right beside his car keys and the latest
i-phone 6 on the glass table in front of him.
As he turned to face her, she saw a very handsome man with a stubble smiling at her. This was Rehan, yes, but the Rehan she knew was completely different from the man standing in front of her . His hair , once an over bleached spikes had now grown into smart slightly longer crop. There wasn't any pierced ears or nose stud in sight.

He stood up from his place still smiling . He looked deep into her eyes and chipped ,

" Hi Sanyukta ...."


"You haven't changed at all...",

"I, ---I can't say that about you"- she chipped.

"I have changed a little . I hope it's a change for the better", he smiled.

Lost for words , Sanyukta collapsed in the nearest chair.

"Your nanny was very hospitable but I don't think she's that efficient though", he said looking around the house. Ishika had forgotten to clear up the table after breakfast.

"Rimi adores her and she adores Rimi..that's what counts "

"I suppose ", he nodded. "How's Rimisha ??"

"Rimi is fine..Ishika has taken her out for lunch". She paused for a while and chipped, "Rehan..... What exactly are you here for???"

"I'm sorry ,I shouldn't have turned up like this ..I came here a few months ago but I chickened out..I didn't have enough courage to face you, but----", he was cut off in middle.

"What exactly you want from me???", her voice was stern this time.

"My own daughter doesn't even know me .Have you ever wondered how I would feel about that???"

"She knows of you. ", Sanyukta chipped defensively. "The first time she asked me why she didn't have a daddy, I didn't know what to say. All the explanations I'd thought of just flew out of the window."

"So what exactly----???"

"I've tried to make her believe that you didn't abandon her".

"I didn't Sanyukta.....You broke up with me."

"Kids don't understand things like adults do. I've tried to steer her off the subject as much as possible. She understands that you live far away. I've explained her how we wouldn't have been happy together and that we couldn't have made her happy either"

Rehan kept staring at her, " I was wrong Sanyukta.....You have changed. Not physically, you were always pretty.But now your more tougher"..

"I have to be. Money doesn't grow on trees".

They both were silent for a while.
"Is that car yours??", she couldn't help asking.
"Yes . I ordered it four weeks ago , before I came back to India. I have been doing quite well since the last three years in Dubai". He paused and then continued,
"What would you say??If I tell you, I'm not going back to Dubai. Not to live at least...."

Sanyukta was speechless.. She didn't know what to say.

"I'm back in India for good... And I would like to get to know my daughter."

The shock was beginning to wear off replaced an anger. Sanyukta wanted Rehan to leave, to give her time and space , to grip with this news. Her gaze swung between him and the clock.

"You want me to leave .Dont you ??"

"I need time to think and to prepare Rimi"-

"Does she know what I look like?? Rather what I used to look like???"- he enquired.

"I've shown her a picture of us during the college fest".

"Fair enough . ...... " ,he chuckled and continued. "After my graduation, I drifted into IT - software designs to be precise simply because it was there, and I was so broke I couldn't even afford a shoelace, let alone a shoes. No one was more surprised than me to realise I was actually good at it. Then when I got the contract in Dubai. That was it. I had faith in myself and what I could do -- there was no looking back since then. The money they were offering was quite tempting."

"Then why did you come back??? If it was that good???"- she asked

"I'm starting my own company here in Delhi", he announced." Eventually I'll have people working for me not the other way around"." I've already interviewed some applicants for it."
"For now , I'm renting a flat temporarily in Delhi of course but soon I'll be looking to buy my own house in the next few months.

Sanyukta felt like the nodding dog in Randhir's car.
"Huh- you have it all planned out", she muttered.

"You have to these day. Do you want to know what I'm calling the firm???

"Do I????"

"R-A-S-E-R", he spelled it out for her.
" I took initials of all the important people in my life and jumbled them up together....R after Rimisha , A after my dad -Ashok, S after you -Sanyukta, E after my mom - Erawathi and lastly the R for me - Rehan", he said it on a go.

" Okay... But why me???"

"Of course you are important Sanyukta, you are the mother of my only child".

"Yes ... But", he didn't let her speak.

"But What??? You were always special Sanyukta, you still are....What we had , our relationship,...., it may not have meant much to you , but I have never come close to anything like it since"

How was she supposed to respond to that?? This man standing in front of her was Rimi's father, yet she never had held him in her heart with any emotions..

She tried to make up some sort of reply, " Rehan, when I broke up with you, it was because deep down, I knew it you didn't want to be saddled with the responsibility of a family. We both were so young .......and we weren't ---",
He didn't let her complete.

"Oh Come-on Sanyukta , I know why you went out with me in the first place. You wanted to get back your parents attention and I was the last person they wanted to see you with".

Sanyukta froze in her place .she kept staring at him blankly with her jaw dropped open.

"It's okay..Don't look at me like that. Did you think I hadn't realised??? The only reason I had put up with it was because I LOVED YOU Sanyukta."


Hey guys,
Sorry I kept you waiting. I couldn't update it yesterday as I was busy. I'll try to update another part in the evening or later. Thanks for all the encouraging comments  and vote. It's because of you guy's support and motivation I'm still going on.

Happy Reading....

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